Reindeers for Silly Saturday

I found reindeers in Indiana for Silly Saturday! Lia, her Uncle Zac and I went out for walk before we left to head home and we found tree branches so we were being silly and turned ourselves into reindeers with antlers.

Zac’s 26th birthday is on July 21 but we celebrated it today before we left to head back home. Lia and I made him a cake and decorated it with teal frosting and sprinkles to match his Mustang. These are a few silly photos of Lia with Zac before we cut into the yummy cake.

Lia loves playing around with Snapchat filters and she made this silly but adorable picture of her and Zac. They love each other so much and when Zac is around Lia, he’s like an overgrown kid, he joins in with Lia’s silliness.

Of course I had to add a silly picture of Snowball as he just woke up the other day. I hope the Silly Saturday pictures made you smile!

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Martha DeMeo

I started my blog on Christmas Day 2014 mainly to review products I received. Since then it has evolved into many other categories of lifestyles, family, money saving ideas, low cost, delicious and healthy meals plus other surprise posts. My granddaughter has her own category, Alex's Articles and the latest addition to my blog is my great granddaughter now has her category, Lia's Likings The Baby Blogger! Lia started blogger at 8 months old and she now has a Friday Story Time blog you won't want to miss! I welcome you to join the conversation, ask a question, give a suggestion or leave a comment on any blog post. I hope you enjoy Lia's Likings, she has some great posts that will make you smile!

12 Discussion to this post

  1. Martha, I <3 love the reindeer! I burst out laughing when I saw them! Truly great silliness for Silly Saturday! And Snowball looks so sleepy– probably really happy to get home to his usual stuff and routines. Glad you're home after safe and smooth travel! <3

    • Martha says:

      Kebba, I’m so glad you came up with the Silly Saturday idea. By the end of the week I can use some silliness in my life. Snowball had so much fun hiking with Zac and Max but the 13 hour car ride made him even more tired. He’s back to his own surroundings now and resting up for more walks here.

  2. Lia’s blessed to have an uncle who’s will to do silly things with her.

    • Martha says:

      Zac can be serious but then again he can be a kid at heart Florence. They love each other so much and why not be silly at any age. I’m 75 and you should have seen me at the restaurant in Indiana acting more like Lia’s age. LOL

  3. Tamara says:

    The pictures *did* make me smile – thank you! What a cute idea to be a reindeer in July!
    Happy birthday, Zac! Always nurture your inner outgrown child!

    • Martha says:

      It was funny Tamara, when they each picked up a branch, it was almost in unison when they said, let’s be reindeer. I’m sure Zac will nurture his inner outgrown child, I still have mine!

  4. Doug says:

    That reminds me of when my granddaughter gets together with her aunt. They have a great time drawing and playing together. Their happiness rubs off on the rest of us around them.

    • Martha says:

      It was so fun to watch Lia and Zac together Doug. Zac is a hard worker but a happy go lucky “kid” when around Lia! That’s what life is about, being happy and hope it rubs off on others.

  5. I really enjoyed seeing this post. Hugs and love to you, Lia and the rest of the family.

  6. Loving the random content. I have a YoyTube like that!

    • Martha says:

      Some times my mind wanders just like the photos I take Amanda. I find saving my videos to YouTube is safer than my phone album because I lose them there at times.

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