Princess Room Christmas Tree

I know it’s early but I was so excited yesterday morning! For my Friday Story Time by Lia I’m sharing a story and pictures of my Princess Room Christmas tree that I decorated almost all by myself!
Pop brought the tree downstairs and Ma, Pop and I put it together. I can turn on either white or color lights and they even twinkle! After the tree was put together, we plugged the lights in to make sure they worked…. yes they all worked!!
The next project was to add ornaments to the tree! It was fun looking through the big box and finding the perfect ornaments to hang on the branches. I did all the bottom branches by myself and some of the higher ones I used my step stool.
Pop added the ornaments to the high up branches that I couldn’t reach. We both had fun working on decorating the Christmas tree together.
Look at the Santa, snowman and reindeer stuffed ornaments that Ma just got to review. They are a perfect addition to my tree!!
I didn’t realize Ma took a video of me while I was humming and decorating my tree. It’s so much fun to be able to decorate my very own Christmas tree!!
The tree looked so beautiful but the one thing it was missing was a star on the top. I found a star in the box and mommy put that on for the finishing touch! Look how my Christmas tree looks, I love it and I’m so excited to have my very own Christmas tree for my Princess room!
Ma had an old red tree skirt and I helped her put it around the tree. Then I wanted to put my special Christmas bear from last year and a few of ma’s Angel bears under the tree.
Look at my beautiful Christmas tree! I’m so happy to have it all decorated and ready for Santa!
This is what my tree looks like at night from the outside. Everyone that drives by can see it! I love it so much!! I hope you enjoyed my Friday Story Time by Lia and seeing my Princess room Christmas tree!
What a beautiful tree in a pretty room. You have down a great job of decorating, Lia. Thanks for sharing your story.
Lia says, “Thank you Mary!” She loves her Princess room and had a fun time decorating her very own tree!
Lia, your tree is so beautiful. You did an amazing job. I love the way it looks from outside.
Lia says, “Thank you Brenda! I had such a fun time decorating my tree and I love how it looks both inside and out!”
LIa and Martha, how utterly lovely! Both the Princess Room and the tree. Now, do I see SpongeBob Squarepants in the tree there? Wonderful! <3
LOL, yes you see SpongeBob on the tree Kebba! That was actually Alex’s ornament when she was a little older than Lia! Not that’s Lias favorite show too! Thanks for visiting Lia Princess room and tree!
I loved the princess room decoration and the Christmas tree.Its gorgeous and the decorations are super pretty.
Thanks Amrita! Lia had a fun time decorating and now she wants to leave it up year round! You may see a Valentine tree in a few months!
Lia, you did a fabulous job humming and decorating your Christmas tree! It looks awesome, and even people who drive by can see and enjoy it – in your true “share the joy” fashion 🙂
I love stuffed bears, so the festive polar bears really make it more special!
Lia says, “Thank you Tamara! I love to sing and hum and I too like that my friends can see my tree when the go by! I have so many stuffec bears but these are my favorite for Christmas.”
What a great tree.
Thanks Amanda, I think Lia want’s to keep it up year round and decorate it for the different holidays.