Lia loves stickers and when she was younger she would cover everything with stickers. Most came off easily so it was no big problem. Through the years her dresser was covered with unicorns, fairies, princesses and butterflies. Since she is now older, she will turn FIVE YEARS OLD in August, it was time to re-organize her room so the stickers had to go. Mommy said she was going to get a new dresser because of all the stickers but I figured they could be removed. I started peeling them off

I’m ready to get my first weekly topic of the Ultimate Blog Challenge going! This week will be all about challenges and they range from small, baby step challenges to organizational challenges and more. I love a challenge and I find when I’m doing a project it love to turn it into a challenge. I have it in me that I have to complete it. Maybe the Ultimate Blog Challenge but the bug in me because once I had my first month completed back in 2016 I was determined to

Today is Palm Sunday, as a Roman Catholic it’s a reminder of the welcoming of Jesus into our hearts and of our willingness to follow him. Palm Sunday is the last Sunday in Lent and the Sunday before Easter. It’s the beginning of Holy Week, the most important week of the year for Christians. I remember back when I met my husband and the first Palm Sunday I spent with him and his grandparents in 1966. Grandpa made the most beautiful crosses from the palms that were handed out during Mass.

Today is April 1st and I’m so excited!! No not because it’s April Fools Day but because it’s the beginning of the April 2023 Ultimate Blog Challenge! I am especially excited to get back on track since I have not written ONE BLOG since the January Challenge and I’m missing my blogging friends! I turned 74 years old in March and I have been slacking big time but life got in my way. However I did come up with many blog topics that I would write down over the past

Where did the month go? It seems like the UBC just started and now the January 2023 UBC is History! I did my challenge a bit different this time, I had “mini” series for each week and I like that idea. Maybe that’s why it went by so quickly. My first week was about Meal Ideas since I put a stop to buying food for the month of January until my freezers were emptied out. But I have to extend that a bit since I’m still using up what I

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