Drink More Water Our body needs water to keep us healthy, keep from getting dehydrated, flush our kidneys and also helps with diet just to name a few reasons. But to me, water is blah and I don’t drink as much as I should because of that. There are flavored waters but some have additives that aren’t the most healthy. I
Waiting at the Window She was waiting at the window as we pulled in. We saw the joy on her face and a huge happy grin. She ran out the door with her arms opened wide. She hugged us so tight and wouldn’t leave our side. We do nothing special just be together. Like walk in the yard and pick up bird feathers. We sit and cuddle then I tuck her in bed. She says I love you, I love you back, I said. The weekend is over, it’s time
Art in the Streets Photo Challenge January 20 – 26 For the Art in the Streets Photo Challenge for this week, I am going to share some church steeples I took while visiting in Lafayette, Indiana. The first photo was taken for the porch looking towards the church. The other two were taken as I walked a few blocks from the house. I also like to edit my photos so I added some interest to them using the MIX app for Andriod. Do you like to take photos of interesting
National Popcorn Day Today, January 19, is National Popcorn Day. There are six main varieties of corn, popcorn being one of them. Popcorn originally stared in Mexico and then made it to the United States. In the early days, the Native Americans throw the kernels on the hot stones of a fire to pop it. Americans eat about 16 billion quarts of popcorn each year. That’s about 51 quarts per person and it is considered one of the most popular snacks in the United States I remember 60 plus years ago my
Dad’s Bible My mom met my dad while he was home on leave from the Army in 1943, they fell in love and were married while he was still serving our country during World War II. In 1944 when my dad was in Germany, my mom sent him a little bible of the New Testament. The bible is about 3″ x 4″, it has a leather cover, with the front being metal. The soldiers in World War II carried a bible in their top left pocket over