OZ Naturals Super Youth Eye Gel The bottle of this eye gel is small but you only need a small amount to rub under your eyes and cheeks. The bottle has a pump top and the gel, almost like aloe vera gel, slowly pumps out. I like that it’s 100% natural and 75% organic plus OZ does not use animals for testing their products. Another plus for me is this is made in the USA. I have been using this eye gel, not only under my eyes but my entire
Onion Skins and Potato Dirt Does your refrigerator produce drawers have onion skins and potato dirt? When I get a bag of onions or potatoes, before they are gone, the drawer is loaded with with skins and dirt. It’s such a mess and not the easiest to clean unless you remove the entire drawer. That was until I came up with a solution. After removing everything, I took the drawers out and thoroughly washed and dried them. Then I got two plastic storage bins, I
365 INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES I like to add inspirational quotes when I’m sending letters or cards so when I saw this book, I thought it would be perfect. The book measures about 5″ by 7″ and 1″ thick so it’s a great size to carry with you when traveling. It’s a paperback book but the cover is heavy and is coated so it can be wiped off easily. The quotes are also great to add to photos as I did with a few where the photo went perfect
FEBRUARY 17, 2016 Capital Origin In recent years, the fight against shadow incomes in the world intensified. So much so that in 2017 there will be no banking secrecy anymore, and many countries will exchange information about their citizens. In 2017, there will be over 50 such countries, and in 2018, this number could reach hundreds. It is especially significant after the so-called “Panama scandal”, when it turned out that a number of officials, among them the first persons of states from around the world, members of their families, businessmen,
Art In The Streets Photography Challenge – Week 6 February 17 – 23 It’s Wednesday and that means it’s time for the Art In The Streets Photography Challenge. This is my 6th week I’ve been sharing interesting places and I not only enjoy posting my photos but also seeing the many wonderful photos from other bloggers. While traveling, I like to take interesting photos, not only buildings. Last week I shared our trip to Cherokee, here’s the link if you missed it: http://themarthareview.com/art-in-the-streets-challenge-week-5/ I love photographing trees, not just normal trees but