Chef Remi Non-Stick Grill Mat   I love to grill year round but I have problems at time with the food falling between the grill grates. With the Chef Remi non-stick grill mats, the problem is solved.  The mats are a good size of 16″ by 13″ and made from 100% non stick fabric that keeps the meat juicy and the flavors locked in. If you have a smaller grill, the mats are easy to trim to size.   It’s a breeze to clean the mats by either in the dish

Silicone Burger Press   The Cave Tool silicone burger press is awesome and so easy to make burgers.  The food grade silicone burger maker even has a dimple maker on the burger to keep the burger flat while grilling.   I used about two pounds of ground beef and patted it on the bottom half of the maker.  Then I put the top on and it cut them perfectly.  The burgers are huge, 1/3 pounder and super thick.   I cooked three burgers on the grill and they held their shape

I is for Ice For the ‘I’ A to Z Alphabet Challenge, I decided to write about I is for Ice.   Sometimes I can come up with a word without any problem, other times I get ideas from my hubby or grandchildren. Another way I come up with words is to look through my photos. That’s how I came up with Ice, I was looking through my photos and came across the ice storm we had in South Carolina.   Ice is water frozen into a solid state. Depending on

Revamping Your Window Treatments Have you ever had a window treatment that you either didn’t like the style or maybe you purchased draperies and they were too short but you loved them so you lived with them?  In our window treatment business, we see many dilemmas like this.  But have no fear, something can be done easily by revamping your window treatments and make them fit perfect.   What do you do when you purchase a ready made bed in a bag only to find the draperies are too short?

H is For Happiness   Today is the eighth day of the A to Z April Blog Challenge and what a better H word than H is For Happiness.   Have you ever seen someone a bit down but if you smile and say a kind word to them they smile back with a happy look on their face? Sometimes people get so busy they forget to take time for happiness.  Happiness can also be contentment. People go through tough times in their life and get down, thinking they will

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