Z is for Zachary I have been participating in the A to Z Challenge for the month of April and you could say I saved the best for last with Z is for Zachary. You guessed it, Zachary is my 17 year old grandson, number 6 on the list of grandchildren. Zachary worked with hubby and I at our store since he was a little tyke. He was such a perfect little helping, whether at work, or when he stayed at our house, he was “papa’s” little shadow.
Y is for Yogurt The A to Z Challenge is nearing the end, one more letter after Y is for Yogurt! It was a toss up to write about Yams or Yogurt because I love them both but I didn’t have any yams to take pictures of so Yogurt it is! Yogurt is a dairy product made by fermenting milk using one or more varieties of bacteria, but it is “good for you bacteria”. Yogurt can help regulate your digestion and strengthen your immune system. It’s also loaded with vitamins
X is for Xylophone While trying to decide on an X word for the A to Z challenge, I thought I might be stumped until I remembered hearing my grandchildren banging on a toy xylophone when they were younger. So that’s how I came to use X is for Xylophone. A xylophone is a percussion instrument with two rows of wooden bars that are graduated in length to make it sound like the music scale. It is an instrument that is played in an orchestra or band with two small mallets. If you notice in many
W is for Water Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink! That’s what it’s like when you go to the ocean unless you like salt water! Since we live near the ocean, I had to write about W is for Water for the A to Z Challenge. We have lived in the North Myrtle Beach area of South Carolina since 1994 and the only time we see the ocean is when we are measuring a condo for window treatments for one of our clients. Back when
V is for Vegetables Since we went to the farmers market recently, I had to write about V is for Vegetables for the A to Z Challenge. Okay, we were all taught not to play with our food, but I couldn’t help making this little onion lady with a pepper skirt and cauliflower hair. The fresh vegetables were all looking so good and I love this time of year when the growing season is here. This is what we bought at the farmers market, everything was so fresh.