Brother and Sister Love What an exciting weekend we had! My hubby and I left South Carolina and drove 14 hours to Indiana for our 17 year old grandson’s high school graduation. As we were heading north, our 20 year old granddaughter started her 6 hour drive heading west from Ohio to meet in Indiana also. Zachary and Alexandra haven’t seen each other in over a year and they took off with their silly, loving ways as soon as they got together. They truly have brother and sister love.
ENTER FOR A CHANCE TO WIN!! Hosted by: Dorky’s Deals Sponsored by: On Demand Clients Prize: 2 Year Subscription to Food Network Magazine Ends 6/23/2016 Open to US residents only, ages 18+ Enter for a chance to win a 2 year subscription to Food Network Magazine. Packed with recipes galore, you will never run out of tasty dinner ideas or yummy goodies to bake! Good luck! Food Network Magazine Giveaway
Waiting Isn’t Easy Waiting for news about someone so dear. Praying to God it’s what we want to hear. It starts with one test then on to another. We need to hear soon, dear God we love her. The waiting, the worry, the unknown is worse. But let it be known our granddaughter comes first. What ever the outcome, one thing is clear. She is our life, and we will always be near. This is a poem I wrote about our granddaughter while we wait. Waiting for test results
Binoculars with a Digital Camera What a great idea, a pair of binoculars with a digital camera. Included with the binoculars is a USB cord to charge the battery, I just insert it into the port between the eye pieces and plug the other end into my computer. When the battery needs charging, a “Battery Low” message shows on the LCD display and the red indicator light will shine. Once the battery has been recharged, the light will go off. The camera works with a Micro-SD card, it’s
AMEX $100 GIVEAWAY!!! Giveaway starts May 23, 2016 – 11:00 PM EST and ends June 15, 2016 – 11:00 PM EST GOOD LUCK!! Click below to enter: Entry-Form