TASTY TOPPED TATERS I love potatoes and could eat them everyday but I like to prepare them different ways. Usually since I’m in a rush to cook dinner, I look for quick ways to prepare them so it’s usually throw a potato in the microwave. But I also love the potato skins and they don’t get crunchy in a microwave so I start out by microwaving the potato for 7 – 8 minutes, then put in a 400 degree oven for about 5 minutes to get the skin more hard
Delicious Dinner at Bonefish Grill What makes a great ending to a wonderful 49th anniversary? I would say a delicious dinner at Bonefish Grill. As we walked in, we were pleasantly greeted and escorted to our table. It didn’t take long for the waitress to arrive and asked for our beverage order. She then asked about appetizers and since I love their Bang Bang Shrimp, we ordered that, served on a bed of lettuce and tossed in a creamy, spicy sauce, but we asked for the spicy sauce on the side.
I HIT THE JACKPOT!!! Not many can say they hit the jackpot, but I HIT THE JACKPOT when I met my sweetie back on Christmas Day in 1965. http://themarthareview.com/50-years-of-true-love/ The link above is our story from the beginning until July 29, 1967 when I became Mrs. Richard! That was 49 years ago today, yes 49 YEARS since my sweetie and I have been on our forever honeymoon. I think back to when my grandmother was making my wedding gown and my mom was making the bouquets and flower
Ceramic Knife Set What a great looking and comfortable to hold ceramic knife set. The blades are so sharp, I suggest you use caution when cutting with them. They cut through vegetables or meat like butter. But even before I used the knives I was impressed with the care Ozeri took when packaging them for safety. The case is line with foam with cut outs of the size for each knife. Each knife has a plastic sleeve over the blade then another piece of foam cut the
Eggplant from Garden to Freezer I could eat eggplant year round but during the off season, it’s either not available or it’s so expensive. We don’t have a large garden but we had a good crop of eggplant, squash and peppers. I freeze them all to last through the winter. Today I’m going to share with you how my directions for eggplant from garden to freezer. Two years ago we tried the white eggplant but this year we found a new variety, Japanese Eggplant. It’s a bit smaller than the