No Power at Home So Went Out for Dinner Well, I am a bit off schedule on the Ultimate Blog Challenge due to a visit from Hurricane Matthew. So since I’m a few days late I wanted to get one up quick. The Hurricane left us without power and the food in both our freezers may not fare too well. Our shop is about 5 miles from our home and early afternoon he residents and business owners were allowed back in. Were we surprised to see we have power! There
What Has Changed From Years Past Day 7 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge is here and I’m writing about what has changed from the past years. The suggested topic is: “What has changed in what you are doing today vs. 1, 3, 5 or maybe even 10 years ago?” The host demonstrated two events of the past that were big changes so I did a search and found another event that had a big change. On this date in 1950, Mother Teresa established the Missionaries of Charity. Fast forward to 2016 and Mother Teresa,
Ultimate Blog Challenge Stumble Today is Day 6 and I’m writing about my Ultimate Blog Challenge Stumble. I usually come up with my daily blog in the morning before I leave for work. If I don’t have time to write it and get my photos added, my goal is to make sure it’s up by early afternoon. The host of the UBC sends out daily emails with suggestions to write about and sometimes they fit perfect for me, while other times I already have my blog idea. Today when I read
Space Saver Vacuum Storage Bags Having limited storage space can be a problem when it comes to finding a way to pack away pillows, blankets and even change of season clothing. But I found the perfect solution with the space saver vacuum storage bags that turn bulky items into manageable, easy to store items. I ordered a package of six jumbo Space Saver Vacuum Storage Bags and I am so pleased with them. Each bag is a large, heavy-duty 40″ by 30″ size with a full width zipper end plus
Wordless Wednesday Beautiful Roses Since the weather is dreary while waiting to see what path Hurricane Matthew will take, I decided to share some beauty. The Wordless Wednesday Beautiful Roses are some of my hubby’s masterpieces. He talks to his flowers and they answer back with beautiful, delicate petals. These photos are a time lapse of two roses in our yard. Everyone always has busy schedules, but don’t forget to stop and smell the roses!