Different Styles of Poncho Capes Cool weather is coming and time to make sure you have warm clothing. I was given a great complementary opportunity to test and try these different styles of poncho capes from Otioti for my own use and these are my own unbiased opinions of the product. Womens Winter Scarf Shawl Cape Blanket Oversized Shawl Wrap Poncho Reversible I love how soft this blanket shawl is plus it’s reversible! It’s easy to wrap around your shoulders and perfect for a cool day when outside. I ordered
Celebrating their 73rd Wedding Anniversary Today my beautiful mom and handsome dad are celebrating their 73rd wedding anniversary. While my dad was home on leave from the Army, he met my mom. They had a whirl wind romance and on October 16, 1943 they married in Tennessee. The newlyweds had a short honeymoon as my dad went back to protect and fight for our country during World War II. My mom wrote a beautiful message in a metal jacketed bible and sent it to my dad. While he carried
https://cavetools.com/products/fish-grill-basket-large CAVE TOOLS Fish Basket Fish is one of my favorites, especially salmon. I prefer to cook my fish on the grill because it not only seems to taste better but it also keeps the “fishy” smell out of the kitchen! I was given a great opportunity to test a complimentary Cave Tools Fish Basket for my own use and all opinions of the product are my own. In a few words, it’s terrific! The fish basket comes in two sizes, I ordered the large size and
Faced With Adversity Definition of adversity: a difficult situation or condition, misfortune or tragedy I am two weeks into the Ultimate Blog Challenge and for today’s suggested blog post, it’s to write about a time that you were faced with adversity, what was it, what caused it, what did you do to overcome it and what did you learn from it. This topic couldn’t have come at a better time and I didn’t even have to think on this one. Last week Hurricane Matthew came up the southeastern coast
National Dessert Day I almost missed this important day, luckily my granddaughter told me this morning that today is National Dessert Day! So as soon as I got home from work, I started on two yummy desserts. The first was simple, I mixed up a white cake mix as the instructions said and then I added 1/2 teaspoon of almond flavoring, pouring it into a 9″ x 12″ sheet cake pan. Hubby doesn’t like sweets but the topping I add turns this into more of a coffee cake. For