Wordless Wednesday – Our Beautiful January Rose Buds Still Blooming     Even though Wordless Wednesday is for photos, I just wanted to mention that this  photo of the same rose on different days.  This is one of my favorites as it changes into so many different color tones.  My hubby has beautiful roses almost year round!

Recommending Dr. Mark Hoeprich I’m sure you have had an experience with someone or something that you were so pleased with that you would recommend to others.  Word of mouth is one of the best referrals around.  I am writing about recommending Dr. Mark Hoeprich, Neuro Surgeon at Cleveland Clinic, Akron General Ohio who is the best neuro surgeon. How our 20-year-old granddaughter managed to be lucky enough to have the top neuro surgeon at Cleveland Clinic, Akron General perform Alexandra’s major, delicate spinal surgery to remove a  Ganglioneuroma tumor that started

2016 Year In Review It’s hard to believe we are in a new year, where did last year go?  Thinking back we had a busy year, some good, some not so good but we made it through and looking forward to see what 2017 has in store for us.  I’ve been thinking back to last January and this is my 2016 Year in Review. Work was a plenty for hubby and I and we met so many new and wonderful clients that have become just like family to us.  We

2017 January Ultimate Blog Challenge   I started my blog two years ago and although I was doing fairly well on my posts, I was lacking views and comments.  I wasn’t sure where or how to get my content out other than on my wall. Well I happened to stumble on the Ultimate Blog Challenge last January and the rest is history!  The challenge is the first month of every quarter –  January, April, July, and October  to write a daily blog.  I had never done a Blog Challenge but

Another Year of Earning Sites Started Where did 2016 go??  After my  “real” work, I come home and work on many online earning sites. When I only had a few, it was easy to keep track of but since I add more sites when I find them, I needed to find a way to keep my points and offers organized. I started with a weekly/monthly planner a few years ago and it makes it so easy to keep track of things.  So now that another year of earning sites started,

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