SUNRISE AT THE BEACH WORDLESS WEDNESDAY On the way to work the other day, hubby took a little detour so we could watch the sunrise at the beach. It was so gorgeous that I wanted to share the beauty with you. The beauty of the sunrise Why is a jelly fish here now?? They usually appear in the super hot weather. The Olive Shell is South Carolina’s State shell and there were quite a few around the beach. One
My $5.45 CVS Shopping Trip Since my stock pile is getting low I decided it was time to take a trip to CVS. My total amount of purchases before sales would have been 38.39 but sale prices brought it down to $20.17. That alone would have been good savings but I went one step farther with a few coupons. After the manufacturer and CVS coupons that totaled $13.00 and the $2.27 for a free item, my total for all my shopping was $4.90. The added tax of 55 cents made
Comparing Roast Beef Subs I recently had a birthday and my inbox was loaded with birthday freebies from a variety of restaurants. Since I had a few different sub shops, I thought comparing Roast Beef subs would be a good way to do a taste test with the three shops close by. Some of the freebies were from places I have previously been, others were new shops. McALISTER’S DELI My first roast beef sub was last week when I went to McAlister’s Deli which I have been
WORDLESS WEDNESDAY WINNER!! No words are needed for hubby’s and my trip to Cherokee and Murphy for my birthday and what a fun time we had watching the one million pennies add up! ONE MILLION PENNIES TAKES A LONG TIME TO ADD UP!! Gotta love those 7’s in Murphy too! Had a awesome day at Cherokee on Monday and a fun day at Murphy on Tuesday! What a way to spend my birthday!!
LAURA STORY – OPEN HANDS Enter for a chance to win a copy of this CD starts March 10 – ends March 20 @ 12:00 AM What beautiful and meaningful songs on this CD. Laura Story – Open Hands are songs that come from her heart and when listening to them, you may just find yourself singing along with her. Throughout the Bible, there are countless stories of ordinary people whole-heartedly attempting to live a life fully surrendered to God’s unique calling on their lives. More than once, God