Desserts, Desserts, Desserts!! This is day eleven for the Ultimate Blog Challenge and the suggested topic is desserts!  Funny thing, just before I opened the email I was thinking wouldn’t it be great to have a recipe topic and bam, there it was!  Seeing as I love desserts, this topic was so easy to come up with a recipe. Wait did I say ‘A’ recipe?  Now that is a problem because I have a few delicious cake and cookie recipes and it’s hard to pick just one to share. 

NATIONAL SIBLINGS DAY   Did you know today is National Siblings Day?  I was reading another blog and that’s how I found this out. I thought it was interesting to learn that the blogger was the middle sibling and her younger sister was Nancy.  That’s the same as me, I’m the middle sibling and my younger sister is Nancy too!     I have two sisters with me stuck in the middle.  My older sister is 3 years older than I am and for the longest time we were a

  Old Churches of Cades Cove The suggested blog topic of the Ultimate Blog Challenge today is to share some photographs of your hometown, wildlife, scenery or scenes of your workplace just for a few examples. I’d love to show a behind the scenes of our shop but I can’t find photos that tell a story, I’ll save that for another day.  Since today is Palm Sunday I thought I would share some photos I took of some old churches in Cades Cove located in the Great Smoky Mountains of

Palm Sunday is April 9, 2017   Palm Sunday is the day when Christians celebrate the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem, the week before his death and resurrection. Palm Sunday is often called “Passion Sunday” is the last Sunday of Lent and it marks the beginning of Holy Week, which ends on Easter Sunday. This year  Palm Sunday is April 9, 2017.     Palm branches, which are recognized for peace and victory are handed out to the parishioners before Mass and are then Blessed at the beginning of

NEVER KNOW WHO READS YOUR BLOG Once again I’m participating in the Ultimate Blog Challenge for the month of April.  It’s exciting to come up with daily blog topics and you never know who reads your blog. I shocked when I received an email this morning regarding a blog I wrote a few months back. Every morning, the UBC host, Paul B. sends out an email with a suggestion for the day. Some times I use his idea, others I come up with my own.     For the last

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