No Easter Dinner But Made A Delicious Easter Cake Easter morning starting out with hubby and I watching the beautiful sunrise. We then watched Easter Mass at the Vatican with the Pope, another glorious sight. I had made a cake the day before and I made brownies before I but the ham in the oven. But that was as far as I go, we had no Easter dinner. I made a very easy Easter cake. It was just a package cake mix but I took out about a cup of
HAPPY EASTER Wishing all my Christian friends a very blessed and Happy Easter for today HE is risen! 1 Corinthians 15:3–8 Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. While children are excited with their Easter baskets, egg hunts, and yummy desserts, let’s not forget the true meaning of this Blessed day. Wishing everyone a wonderful Easter Sunday!!
HALF WAY THERE! Have you gone on a road trip and your here the kids or other passengers ask, “Are we there yet?” and you reply, “We are half way there.” Today for those participating in the April Ultimate Blog Challenge, we are HALF WAY THERE!! Yes, we are 15 days into the challenge and I must say I started out in slow speed. I have been able to write one blog each day even though some days were way late in the evening. I prefer to post my
DON’T FALL FOR FREE LAPTOP OFFER UPDATE!!! THIS HAS BEEN CONFIRMED THAT IT IS A SCAM AND PEOPLE ARE OUT THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS BECAUSE OF THE PERSONAL INFO THEY SENT!! BE SURE TO READ THE 2 UPDATES AT END OF THIS BLOG There are so many legit earning sites on the web but for everyone legit one, there are probably double that in scams. The latest offer I have seen is where you take part in a case study and you get a
Many Uses For Matcha Green Tea Matcha Green Tea Coconut Sugar Scrub Matcha Green Tea has many health benefits but top on the list is being a super antioxidant. Antioxidants are chemical compounds that help prevent aging, chronic diseases plus fights infections. Being almost calorie free, Matcha Green Tea helps with weight loss by boosting your metabolism and it burns fat. If you are looking for a healthy way to detox your body, Matcha Green Tea is your answer. There are many uses for Matcha Green Tea but my