NEED BOOK WRITING ADVICE     The suggested topic for the Ultimate Blog Challenge for Day 27 is to share or tell a story.  I wrote my True Love story back in 2015 and while it’s not a professional writing, it tells about my husband’s and my true love story from when we first met back in 1965. Click here to read my TRUE LOVE is FOREVER STRONG.  I’m now working on another story but I need book writing advice from anyone who writes short stories. I have an idea

CUSTOMERS TURN INTO FRIENDS   Hubby and I have owned our interior decorating business for about 50 years and you could say we don’t run it like normal businesses.  We don’t advertise other than word of mouth and referrals, we are very laid back and no high pressure. We are concerned about their family if someone is ill, we are excited to hear about their children and grandchildren and we hug them when they head out the door.  Our customers turn into friends and many have come back many times

Cutting My Own Long Hair     I love to find ways to save money, whether it be sale prices, coupons or even cutting my own long hair and save the price of going to a beauty shop.  Plus it saves time that I don’t have with my busy work schedule.  I haven’t had a “real” haircut in over 20 years but I do need to trim the ends from time to time.     It you have long, straight hair, this is an easy way to cut it. My

Ozeri CardioTech Digital Blood Pressure Monitor     The Ozeri CardioTech Digital Blood Pressure Monitor is by far the best blood pressure monitor I’ve had. With the large digital readout panel, it makes it very easy to see the results. But the best part is the unit is voice guided so I can tell the exact position to get an accurate reading.   The unit comes complete with two AA batteries plus a hard case for storage. Ozeri makes it easy to insert and change the batteries with the slide

Quick Crescent Rolls Pizza Has this happened to you? The kids bring friends home from school and of course they are hungry. Or you have unexpected company drop in but you have no snacks on hand.  No problem, just whip up some quick crescent rolls pizza.  All you need is a tube of crescent rolls, some spaghetti or tomato sauce, shredded cheese and maybe some bacon, pepperoni or even left over chicken.   Carefully unroll the dough flat and cut circles the size of the bottom of a muffin pan. 

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