Great April Ultimate Blog Challenge Stats It was January 2016 when I first came across the Ultimate Blog Challenge and I’m so glad I stumbled upon it. Since completing the 4 quarters in 2016 and the 2 so far in 2017, I have met so many great bloggers and re-connected with others from earlier months plus increased my views, shares and comments each challenge. This month’s challenge seemed to be a real challenge at times but I’m happy to say I completed it and had great April Ultimate
Don’t Throw That Away!! Making Junk Useful I have a habit I just can’t kick. I save everything that I think I can reuse or recycle into something. I enjoy making junk useful and saving it from the landfill. When I receive packages I’ve order, most of them come with some kind of packing around the item or they are in small clear packages. I even save shipping boxes to use for storage. Just cut the flaps off, spray paint the box and they are perfect to
Sharing Great Blogs Wow, here it is the next to the last day of the Ultimate Blog Challenge for the month of April. I have enjoyed writing a blog everyday, even though a few have been late in the evening. I have also enjoyed reading blogs from the participants and following their blogs so I can continue to read their interesting posts. There are too many to list them all but I am sharing great blogs that have stood out and they writers have checked in to my blog just
Turquoise Crystal Beads Rosary What a beautiful and well crafted Turquoise Crystal Beads Rosary. I love the turquoise beads with the silver tone links. There is so much detail on the Crucifix and it’s mark from Jerusalem on it. With the claw clasp, you have the option of wearing it as a necklace or if like me, I just carry it with me to Mass. The beads sparkle and the links go through the entire bead then connect with another link until the end when the
GREAT POETRY READING DAY I just found out April is National Poetry Month and it was inaugurated by the Academy of American Poets in 1996. But today, April 28th is Great Poetry Reading Day. So if you enjoy reading or writing poems, this is your month and if you write great poems, today is your day! My mom wrote poetry when she was young and for the past few years, I have come up with a few of my own. Now my poems are no way great poetry but