Our Latest Trip

Okay so for day 25 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge the suggested topic is to write about a trip we’ve taken. Well since Covid our trips are few and far between. But since it’s also WORDLESS WEDNESDAY and we’re still celebrating Lia’s 3rd birthday with daily surprises, I figured I’d share our latest trip we took yesterday to SUGAR KINGDOM! This is a huge ice cream and candy store where you can get delicious, unique ice cream flavors plus all kinds of candy, fudge, taffy and a variety of old fashion candies that we had when I was young. They even have the candy cigarettes that I remember getting for a penny! So come along on our latest trip to the candy store with Lia!
Most people go on trips far away in different countries or states. Some go on trips in different areas of their own state. Our latest trip was about 5 miles from our home, basically right around the corner! But Lia enjoyed her Tuesday birthday surprise outing after we went to Dino miniature golf!
She looks so happy!
And the Sugar Kingdom!?! I would die! I would want some of everything! I hope Lia showed more self-control than I would have! LOL
LOL Lia was ready to try everything too Dominique! But she settled for a dish of ice cream!
Any post and photos of Lia is a winner. And she is just 3 years old. Fabulous!
Thanks Lily, Lia has had three full years of adventure!
Our travel is still much curtailed too, though things are opening a little. And we have had a chance to explore a little more close to home. It is nice to get to know your own community and your ice cream and candy emporium seems like it would be an amazing place to visit. Looks like Lia enjoyed herself immensely. Did you too??
Oh yes Mary, we all enjoyed the sweets and their ice cream was delicious!
So glad those figurines are plastic and not candy. I can just feel the upset stomachs!
Oh my, can you imagine the licking going on if the figurines were candy Roy? Kinda of like when we use to bob for apples all in the same tub at Halloween!
Martha, what a fantasyland! The sweets, obviously, but the kid-sized figures like Sponge Bob! Even the little cars and the floor are brilliant with the theme. What a blessing to have this place so nearby. Is the golf attached to SugarKingdom? I’m getting a sugar rush just looking at your images. What a wonderful day!
It was a delicious place to visit Kebba! The golf was a few blocks from the ice cream, both made an exciting outiing!
Ohh. Great place. I did not know that was in the area.
It is such a fun place Thelma! Lia love it and of course didn’t want to leave.
Sugar kingdom, a great place for kids and me. I did not know the area had such a place!! Great 👍👍
It’s sugary Thelma! LOL
Hi Martha and Lia, I think I got a tooth ache just looking at all that candy! WOW! On the same day, my friends from Utah visited and we went to the Oregon Coast and went to the Seaside Candyman. They also have a variety of unique ice cream flavors, fudge, taffy, and candy as you described, but the pictures show way more than I imagined. The name, Sugar Kingdom is certainly appropriate as it dwarfs the place I went to. What kinds of ice cream did you get, they all look delicious! Sending lots of love and hugs. Jaime
OMG I saw your candy trip also, looked so good! Actually we didn’t even get much candy but the ice cream was delicious Jaime. I got a blue marble swirl with peanut butter chunks and Lia got birthday cake!
Glad you had a good trip.
Close or far away, it’s great to get a few days away Amanda