For over six weeks, I haven’t had sweets but when I found a recipe for Organic Almond Joy Bars and I had the ingredients, I knew I had to make some!  I substituted a few ingredients but they were so delicious!

I calculated the calories as best I could and figured each almond joy bar has about 200 calories.  Yes, that’s a bit if watching calories but it’s not much more than some protein bars. They have very little sugar, cholesterol or carbs so eating just one bar isn’t bad.  I got seven bars out of the recipe so they will last me at least a week but probably longer since half a bar is plenty filling.     CHECK OUT MY UPDATE  ON CALORIES, FAT, CARBS, ETC. AT THE END OF THIS BLOG 





1 1/2 cups raw unsweetened coconut

5 tablespoons Stevia (can also use Agave but I’ve read things I don’t care for with that)

2 tablespoons coconut oil

1/3 cup melted coconut butter

1/3 cup unsweetened cacao powder

12 raw hazelnuts (I didn’t have almonds)



Stir the coconut, 3 tablespoons of Stevia (I mixed it with a little water), and the coconut oil together.  The mixture is easier to mix with your hands so it will stick together.  Scoop the portions on a baking sheet using either a silicone mat or you can use parchment paper and shape into rectangles.  Refrigerate about 30 minute until solid.


For the coating, I added the other 2 tablespoons of Stevia, melted coconut butter, and cacao powder in a small bowl and whisked until smooth.


The coconut bars were solid after I finished making the chocolate topping so I dipped each one into the chocolate coating and top each piece with 2 nuts.  I drizzled a bit more chocolate over the top to cover the nuts and refrigerated again until the chocolate hardens.


Me being the impatient one just HAD to try one of my Organic Almond Joy Bars before the chocolate coating was totally hardened. It was a little messy but OH SO GOOD!!  They are low on cholesterol, carbs and sugar also.  If you are on a diet or healthy eating plan, this might just be something for your “cheat day”!


If you want to follow me on my journey of my healthy eating plan,  I have the links to my blogs at the end of this update here:


UPDATE January 28, 2020

Since I have been following Chef William’s FB page, he was kind enough to breakdown the following information on my Almond Joy Bars. This is the information he forwarded to me so I’m sharing it with you so you can know the amount of calories, fat, carbs, etc. Be sure to check out his page!

FROM CHEF WILLIAM: If someone is following the keto diet these are fat bombs although they are light on the fat. Going by your recipe but using almonds in place of the Hazelnuts, each one is 166 calories, 15.8 g Fat, 7.7 g Carbs, 4.9 g Fiber, and 2.6 g Protein  On the keto plan you are interested in Net carbs which we get by subtracting Fiber from total carbs so these Organic Almond Joy Bars have only 2.8 Net Carbs which makes them great as a Fat Bomb or dessert for those of us following a ketogenic diet.

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Martha DeMeo

I started my blog on Christmas Day 2014 mainly to review products I received. Since then it has evolved into many other categories of lifestyles, family, money saving ideas, low cost, delicious and healthy meals plus other surprise posts. My granddaughter has her own category, Alex's Articles and the latest addition to my blog is my great granddaughter now has her category, Lia's Likings The Baby Blogger! Lia started blogger at 8 months old and she now has a Friday Story Time blog you won't want to miss! I welcome you to join the conversation, ask a question, give a suggestion or leave a comment on any blog post. I hope you enjoy Lia's Likings, she has some great posts that will make you smile!

8 Discussion to this post

  1. The savvy age says:

    Yum! Can’t wait to try!!!

  2. Oh I love coconut and chocolate, so this is right up my alley. Thank you for posting such and easy to do recipe with all the instructions for me. I will make these for sure and then find a hiding spot for them so that only I know where they are! Otherwise I won’t get any at all. Oh my too good to share with the rest of the family!

    • Martha says:

      Coconut with chocolate is my favorite too Olivia and when using organic ingredients, it’s perfect for my healthy eating plan! I must warn you though, they are VERY sweet even though not much sugar! I’d love to know your thoughts after you make them!

  3. These look really neat, and I have been a fan of Mounds and Almond Joy for forever. I’ll let you know how mine turn out.

    • Martha says:

      They have been my favorites forever too Roy! I always liked Mounds better because of the dark chocolate and my recipe for Almond (or should I say Hazelnut) Joy is perfect, the nuts and dark chocolate! I’ll be waiting for you to report back on how you like them! Thanks for stopping by my candy factory!

  4. Andria says:

    I love this, I am gonna make these!

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