Oh What Fun in Indiana

It’s another Friday Story Time by Lia and wait until you see what I did when I was visiting my Uncle Zac in Indiana! I had so much fun! One day we visited a huge indoor amusement park and arcade where the admission ticket was for unlimited rides! Every time I’ve been to a ride park I have to get measured and I’ve always had to ride the kiddie rides. WELL that changed this time. You have to be 47″ tall to ride the big kids rides at Malibu Jacks and I’m 47 1/2″ so here I go on the big rides!

The first ride that Zac, Taco and I went on was the WipeOut. It started out going in circles but then it gets higher and higher and even spins sideways! It was so much fun and mommy and ma missed a great ride. We went on it two times and I wasn’t afraid at all.

Zac and I went on a roller coaster, go carts, and even mommy and Taco went on the bumper cars with us. We played laser tag and lots of arcade games, by the end of the day we were tired!

The go carts at Malibu Jacks were just going around a circle and I had to ride with Zac but on Friday we went to K1 Speed Indoor Go Karts in Indianapolis where I got to drive my own kart without anyone with me. Mommy helped pick out the right size helmet and off I went around the track. I started out slow because there were so many twists and turns but after a few laps I was zipping around the corners.

Watch me go around all the corners, I didn’t even bump the kart on the edge of the corners of the track. This was so much fun!

After I had my fun on the track mommy wanted to go play pool while Zac and Taco raced. So we went out to the lobby where they had some table games and pool. Mommy is a super pool player but I’m just learning. She showed me how to hold the pool cue and try to get the pool in the pockets. After a few tries, I hit the white ball and made the other one go right in the pocket! Now I like playing pool too.

We had one more excitement for the day in Indianapolis, I went to Top Golf and tried my hand at golf. It was such a big place with three floors. We were on the second floor and I got some of the balls flying and one even landed in that big yellow circle. When your ball lands in the circles all colored lights show up on the screen to show you where you ball landed. Golf was fun but I really liked the go karts more.

All week we were busy doing something, arcade and amusement park, go karts and golf, hiking and fireworks plus playing with my friends. Snowball and Max got to meet each other and had walks together. We had an early birthday party for Zac, I took cute selfies with Zac and we just had lots of fun.

But don’t think the week was all fun and games, I helped Zac detail this truck! I love helping him in his garage and watching him work on his car projects.

This is Zac’s cool Mustang that he wrapped in my favorite color teal! I even got to drive it, not by myself though. LOL

At the end of everyday, we were all tired and ready to snuggle in bed. But first I would give Snowball some treats for being such a good boy. As soon as my head hit the pillow I fell fast asleep. The week went by so fast when Saturday came and it was time to get ready to drive 13 hours back to South Carolina. I had so much fun with Zac and can’t wait to see him again.

This month is going by so fast, I only have one more Friday Story Time to write. I’ll have to make it a good one!

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10 Discussion to this post

  1. Tamara says:

    Oh my goodness, what a fun day learning to drive a go kart! You did a good job, too, same goes for the car wash. Tell your uncle Zac that your Swiss friend thinks Mustangs are the coolest cars! I had one until a while ago.

    Next time you go to Indianapolis, make sure to visit the Motor Speedway Museum – lots to see there!

    • Martha says:

      Lia says, Thank you Tamara and I had so much fun driving the go kart all by myself! I’ll tell Zac you think Mustangs are cool and I’ve never been to the Speedway Museum but I have been to the Indianapolis Children’s Museum. That was fun!

  2. Truly what fun!!! I love seeing these family adventures with happy kids being kids! Also, that car is absolutely gorgeous!

  3. Amrita says:

    This was an exciting day.I so love those rides and the go Karting is the best fun ever.

  4. Lia, I watched all your videos and they were SO cool!! I’m glad you had such a wonderful trip. Have a great weekend.

  5. Looks like a fun time indeed. Love the picture of Lia and Snowball.

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