National Scavenger Hunt Day

Today, May 24th is National Scavenger Hunt Day. Elsa Maxwell, an American gossip columnist, author and songwriter introduced the idea of scavenger hunts to use as a party game around the 1930’s. Scavenger hunts are fun to do in groups or individually. But besides being fun they can be educational too.

One of my Facebook friends sent me information on a Paint Chip Scavenger hunt and we did that for Lia’s 2nd birthday party. I put different colors of paint chips together and everyone had to find something in the yard the paint chip colors. It was so much fun for both the little ones and the adults.

I thought it was quite exciting that right after Lia’s party I won a Facebook giveaway and the prize was a book. But not just any book, it was The Ultimate Book of Scavenger Hunts! How cool is that to have a book filled with 42 different scavenger hunts!

So the next time we went on a hike to the beautiful spot near the intercoastal waterway and marsh we took the paint chips and the Scavenger Hunt book and we had two scavenger hunts going at the same time! Lia searched for things along the trails and waterway. Then I got to thinking, scavenger hunts are not only fun but they can be educational! Lia was finding different flowers, tree bark, seashells and even a spider-web. We had fun looking for items and she learned about different flowers and seashells. She would get excited every time she found either something from the paint chips or the list from the Nature Trail scavenger hunt.

This is the blog I wrote last year with Lia’s paint chip scavenger hunt. It also has a link to her birthday party scavenger hunt plus the hunt using the book I won!

I didn’t realize it was National Scavenger Hunt Day until I checked my calendar but glad I caught it! Next time you go on a hike, think about turning it into a paint chip scavenger hunt and see what interesting items you can find!

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Martha DeMeo

I started my blog on Christmas Day 2014 mainly to review products I received. Since then it has evolved into many other categories of lifestyles, family, money saving ideas, low cost, delicious and healthy meals plus other surprise posts. My granddaughter has her own category, Alex's Articles and the latest addition to my blog is my great granddaughter now has her category, Lia's Likings The Baby Blogger! Lia started blogger at 8 months old and she now has a Friday Story Time blog you won't want to miss! I welcome you to join the conversation, ask a question, give a suggestion or leave a comment on any blog post. I hope you enjoy Lia's Likings, she has some great posts that will make you smile!

14 Discussion to this post

  1. How fun! I didn’t realize it was scavenger hunt day. I like doing scavenger hunt for online parties sometimes. But you’re right, it would be cool to do one for kids that was both fun and educational.

    • Martha says:

      I like it because of being fun and educational Jeanine. Lia is always ready and willing to learn so why not have fun learning!

  2. Jaime says:

    Hi Martha and Lia, I had no idea there was a national day dedicated to scavenger hunts, how fun! What a marvelous idea to have a scavenger hunt out in nature (or backyard) using paint chips. I will have to do that on my nature walks to local parks every week or even suggest it for any party. Congratulations on the Facebook win, I think I might just get that book, too! Great pictures, thank you for sharing.

    Sending lots of love and gratitude,

    • Martha says:

      This would be great for your hikes in the national parks Jaime! The cool they about it, you can stick the stack of paint chips in your pocket and pull them out whenever. It would even be fun to have a few extra packs made up and hand out to other hikers!

  3. Hope you scavenged your day to a wonderful zenith!

  4. Elisa says:

    This is so cool! I wish my kids were little so I could try this with them. The only scavenger hunt I seem to go on these days is dirty clothes in their bedrooms!

    • Martha says:

      This is fun for kids of all ages and even adults Elisa. For Lia’s birthday the adults were having as much fun as the little ones.

  5. A paint chip scavenger hunt is a cool idea! I will add this to the list on my blog!

  6. Martha, I don’t think I’ve done a scavenger hunt since maybe 6th grade, at camp! I think it was the Nature Group that held it. What fun, realizing there were 5 or so different kinds of pines on that property (mid-Delaware coast)! And learning a lot of other plant types, by leaves and berries and such. Thanks for the tip about paint chip scavenging! I had no idea there were so many scavenger hunt options. Yay!

    • Martha says:

      Lia loves searching for things so a scavenger hunt is right up her alley. It was fun looking for things together. The paint chip hunt is so much fun, you can use any color of chips Kebba.

  7. Amanda Gene says:

    I love scavenger hunts. They are fun.

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