My Quiet Corner

My neighbor’s Confederate Jasmine had such a wonderful aroma but it was getting a bit out of control. The bush started in her yard, went up her fence and spread over four sections of our fence. It puddled on the ground and filled the entire left corner. It had been there so long we couldn’t even stain the fence sections. So Alex’s friend Taco and I tackled the beast. At first I thought I would trim it half way up our fence but as I saw one section done, I decided to remove it all. I didn’t want any clutter in my quiet corner.

Once the Jasmine was cut back it made the area look so different. There were still branches on the top of the fence from Judy’s side but after she saw my side she cut hers way down too.

From a twisted pile of vines and an unstained fence Taco managed to get everything down and gone. The only thing left in the corner is the lilac bush (that never blooms) which my sister gave me years ago.

My next step was to get some stones for my corner. It just so happened my neighbor two doors down had stones lined up the entire length of your garage on both sides! She didn’t want them so when I told her my plan she said to take hers. So with wagons in tow, Lia and I got enough stones from her house side to fill my corner. It took five big loads and three loads with Lia’s wagon but we got it completed in about three hours. The stones on the other side of her garage are for another project I have in mind but that will come later.

I found it had huge rocks buried in it from I’m assuming the builder back in 1999. After getting them out, I leveled the corner, laid super heavy plastic down and covered the area with the stones.

I didn’t have a plan but everything fell into place, I stained the fence sections that were covered with the Jasmine. Originally this corner had landscape timbers around it but after I found the big rocks, I bordered my quiet corner with them. I had them all in order then something didn’t seem right so I moved them numerous times. First It was a 90 degree angle in the corner, then the one side wasn’t straight so little by little I got it perfect in my eyes. The rounded corner gives it a much softer and more appealing look. I’m happy so far. The Angel with the gazing ball was given to me by my granddaughter Allison, the painted rose rock was made by a friend and the copper weather vane was a gift from our grandson CJ years ago.
This wind chime was a gift from my daughter and son-in-law, Chris and Bryon, it has such a beautiful and peaceful sound.

Lia picked out both these stones, she liked how the cross and roses light up at night and she liked the tree on the family stone. I love them both.

Little by litter my quiet corner was becoming a perfect spot to listen to the chimes and birds. I added the spiraling copper cross that Lia and her grandma gave me for Christmas two years ago and as I find special stones or hangings, I’ll add them but this is a good start.

My next step was to get patio blocks and fill in the area next to the stones for a bench. I planned to do the blocks then pick out a bench but when I saw this gold and black powder coated bench I had to get it right away because there are roses on it! Lia wants to paint them so I’ll let her do that when she’s ready. I had a piece of gray fabric I put down just to give me an idea of how it would like when the gray patio blocks, I think it will work.
From a mass of tangled branches to my beautiful quiet corner where I can sit and read, meditate, or just listen to nature. It’s a work in progress but I love my quiet corner.
Ooooh, Martha! This looks so relaxing.
I love the idea of a “Quiet Corner.” It reminds me of when I went into my mother’s house and made a safe space for her in a corner of her bedroom. She gets overwhelmed and gets clutter everywhere. I was able to carve out this corner so she’d have a sanctuary with her back to the chaos!
This yard corner is much more peaceful. Haha! I can just imagine being there and hearing the birds and the chimes. I see you having many lovely moments there.
Reading about your quiet corner at your mother’s house reminded me of when I did that at my grandmother’s when I was younger Safrianna! I still have more to do in my quiet corner but even now it’s so peaceful when I go there. As soon as I get patio pavers down, I’ll have my bench area organized. Stay tuned for an update in October!
Your and Lia’s hard work paid off, your quiet corner looks very peaceful, and with the wind chimes and the birds chirping, I am sure you will feel very relaxed sitting there. Even though I am not sure if you have it in you to just sit there for a long time..?
I do love going out there early morning and later in the evening Tamara. This will be my quiet corner for early morning reading and meditating. I love being out with nature.
I have to say, Martha, that I do love the Jasmine on the fence. But I do know about things getting out of control. Your quiet corner looks serene and lovely. That’s a lot of work in a short time. Well done.
Yes Lily, I loved the smell of the Jasmine when I opened my door but it was time to “reorganize” the yard and I love my quiet corner. Maybe I’ll add a large pot of fragrant flowers that won’t be so overwhelming.
How beautiful and relaxing. All of your work paid off and I especially like your Tree of Life! Thank you for sharing.
Thanks Kristine, I love my quiet corner and now I have a place to just set and listen to nature, my chimes and birds while reading.
It looks so cozy.
IT is Amanda and just what I needed when I have to have peace and quiet.