My Long Road Trip with Papa and Mama

Chapter One

For the next few weeks, my Friday Story Time by Lia will be all about my long road trip to Indiana, the time I spent up there with my mommy and uncle and my airplane trip back home. The first chapter is My Long Road Trip with Papa and Mama as we drove almost 1000 miles to Indiana.

Mommy went on an airplane last month to visit her brother Zac. I waved to her as the airplane took off and the plane got so far away I could hardly see it anymore Everytime I saw an airplane in the sky I said, “mommy’s airplane!’ I stayed with mama and papa until it was time for our road trip for me to go to Indiana.

My Road Trip with Papa and Mama

We started our road trip before it was even light outside. Papa put me in my car seat, jammies and all. This was the first time my seat was facing front and wow, I could see so much once the sun woke up. I counted so many big trucks and said, “beep beep” to them.

Somewhere along our road trip, I got hungry. There weren’t any restaurants open but we found a McDonald’s to order online and we ate in the parking lot. Breakfast was delicious! I don’t know what frugal is, but I heard someone say Mama is frugal. She ordered the big breakfast platter that had pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage, hashbrown, and biscuit with jelly. Mama split that up and there was enough breakfast for papa, mama and me! Oh and she had a coupon for a free coffee for papa! Some of my juice spilled on my jammies but I had to get dressed anyway. But guess what mama did? I got dressed and she took my jammies in the bathroom and washed them! There is a bar across the back of the truck cover that she hung them on and when we got to the hotel they were clean, dry and ready to put back on!

Full tummy, all dressed and ready to get moving again. Papa drove and drove while I counted so many big trucks!

I think it was from my fully tummy but part way through our road trip I fell asleep!! It seems like all I did was eat, count trucks and sleep while in the truck!! LOL

I had a nice nap and when I woke up I asked mama if I could use her phone because I wanted to take pictures. Most of them were of my feet! I think I need to focus on the window to get better pictures.

Papa stopped at a rest area in Tennessee and mama loved how it looked like a log cabin style house! Papa rolled the window down while mama went inside and they had Bluegrass music playing outside. I love Bluegrass music when I’m with mama and papa. (Mommy has other tastes in music and I dance to hers when we are together.)

Look at our nighttime stop over! I still had left over McDonald’s chicken nuggets so I’m finishing dinner! Then I wanted to check out the big bed, there is room for my animals too!

Dinner is done, now it’s time for a bath. Mama didn’t bring any of my bathtub toys so she gave me a few plastic cups, that worked for pouring water back and forth! Bath time was done and I was squeaky clean and got my jammies on for bedtime. But wait, I’m looking for my comb, I know it’s in the bag somewhere! I hope I don’t have to take everything out of the bag to find it!

After my relaxing bath after a long drive (and I found my comb) I was ready for bed. It didn’t take me long to drift off to dreamland!

It seems like I just crawled into bed when it was time to roll out of bed! But I was excited because today is the last day of our road trip and I’ll be seeing mommy soon! I got dressed all by myself, grabbed my owl and bunny and we were ready to leave the hotel room.

As soon as we loaded everything in the truck, we left Kentucky and on our way to Indiana. The first stop was McDonald’s again but I had scrambled eggs for breakfast this time. We drove and drove, I took another nap and when I woke up, the next thing I knew it was lunchtime again! There wasn’t many restaurants open so we ended up at McDonald’s…..again! It was chicken nugget time again, I love them!

Oh look, I see another big truck! It was so much fun watching all the big trucks, some passed us and others we passed but I didn’t miss any of them! I’m having a snack of my applesauce pouch, I love applesauce and these little pouches are easy to get the applesauce out like sipping through a straw. When we got off the big road, papa said we will be seeing mommy soon. I was so excited!

LOOK, WE FOUND MOMMY!!!! She was waiting for us to pull into the driveway and ran out before papa turned the truck off! I don’t know who was more excited, me seeing mommy or mommy seeing me. I think it was a tie!!

But look who else I was excited to see! My Uncle Zac was waiting for me too. Even his puppy Max was outside waiting for me to give him a treat. I was so happy to see mommy and Zac after a long ride, 1000 is a long way but papa said I was the best passenger. It was a fun but my long road trip with mama and papa was over. Wait until you read my 2nd chapter of my trip to Indiana on my next Friday Story Time by Lia!!

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8 Discussion to this post

  1. Sounds like you had a lot of fun. I can’t wait to read the next chapter.

  2. Sounds like it was a great trip, Lia. Glad you enjoyed it.

  3. Such a sweet story! I teared up at the Mommy reunion pictures.

  4. Amanda Gene says:

    I’m glad you enjoyed your trip.

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