My Fun Time in Indiana

Yes it’s Friday Story Time by Lia again, this is the last Friday in the Ultimate Blog Challenge and I’m sharing one more blog about my fun time in Indiana. Pop drove ma, mommy and me up to visit my uncle Zac the beginning of January and they stayed a few days before driving back home. Mommy and I stayed to visit with Zac for another 10 days before we flew home on two airplanes!

It was very cold and mommy was hoping for snow but we only got a little bit and since I wasn’t feeling good, I couldn’t go out and play in it! But I had so much fun when I started feeling better! We went to a giant indoor trampoline park!

But the best time I had was when we visiting the Indianapolis Children’s Musuem. They have so much to see and things to learn. I could play, pretend to be a school teacher, check out dinosaurs or a tower of glass. I even got to sit in an Indy race car! Because of COVID parts of the museum wasn’t open but I still had a great day.

Uncle Zac owns TILIO Auto Detailing where he works on vehicles and I got to help in clean the cars! He has lots of tools and I have to be very careful when using them just like I do when I’m sewing with ma. He even made me my very on TILIO shirt!

Look at this funny picture! Zac dropped mommy of at the store and I drove over to pick her up! I didn’t really drive by myself, I was sitting on Zac’s lap in the parking lot! But mommy put this funny caption on the photo!

Once work was over, it was time to go to Zac’s house and relax. Wait did I say relax? First I had to do some exercising on Zac’s exercise equipment!

Before mommy and I knew it, our 10 days was over and it was time to go home. I had fun on our road trip up to Indiana and a great time visiting. Zac drove us to the airport and now I have fun memories of visiting my silly Uncle Zac. Maybe he will come down to South Carolina to visit us next time! Hope you got some laughs on my fun time in Indiana. See you next Friday!

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16 Discussion to this post

  1. Elisa says:

    Lia – It sounds like you had such a fun time! I’m sorry you weren’t feeling well, but it looks like you were able to enjoy yourself. Love the pictures!

  2. Tamara says:

    Such good times! I’m glad you enjoyed yourself, Lia!
    Is that sports car in the children’s museum? When we were in Indianapolis, we visited the racetrack and there were many fancy sports cars (that reminded us of the Disney CARS movie)

  3. Hanna Long says:

    This looks like a lot of fun! Great pictures

  4. So glad Lia had a fantabulous time in Indiana.

  5. Samantha T says:

    Hi Martha and Lia. Glad you had a nice time in Indiana. My husband and I were there last year and enjoyed the Speedway. It was cool. Glad you got to sit in one Lia. We also had a fun time checking out the capitol and the Canal Walk in Downtown Indianapolis. I am sharing a Canal Walk post over the weekend of Monday. Funny that I just saW this one about Indiana too. Well look forward to your next adventures. Happy travels.

  6. Lia, it sounds like you had a really great time and got re-acquainted with your Uncle Zac—Yay! And I had no idea at all that there is a Childrens’ Museum in Indianapolis. I bet if you ask the taller people, you could invite Zac down for Thanksgiving or something, when the weather will be a lot warmer in your town? Just sayin’! 🙂

    • Martha says:

      “The museum was so much fun Kebba, there was even a spaceship but I didn’t get a picture of that. I’m sure we can get Zac to come down when he has free time at the shop!”

  7. Karen Sammer says:

    That Lia is quite the storyteller. I enjoyed her story about her trip to Indiana with some of her favorite people. Tell Lia thanks for sharing.

  8. Amanda Gene says:

    I’m glad you had a fun time. 🙂

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