Look What Happened a Few Weeks Ago!

I have another Friday Story Time by Lia and look what happened a few weeks ago! See my two baby teeth, they are now gone!

I noticed I had a loose tooth and day by day it kept wiggling more and more. Ma looked at it and then saw my big girl tooth coming in behind my baby tooth! Within a few days, my tooth fell out! If you look real close, you can see my big girl tooth. I kept forgetting to put my tooth under my pillow and when I finally did, I was so excited to see the tooth fairy left me $5.00!!! Ma told me when she lost her first tooth, she got a dime!

Within a week my other bottom tooth was loose and mommy told me to let to fall out by itself. I was brushing my teeth, working really hard on this tooth and I spit it out with the toothpaste! I’m glad it didn’t go down the sink drain. Now I have two big girl teeth coming in and while both ma and mommy were worried because they started growing behind my baby teeth, they are nicely moving forward. And this time I put my tooth right under my pillow so I wouldn’t forget and I got another $5.00.

Even though I lost them about a week apart both are now the same size. I only had my baby teeth for about four years but mommy said my big girl teeth will last forever as long as I brush them and take care of them and go to the dentist. I have my annual dentist appointment next month and the dentist will be so surprised to see my new big girl teeth.

So that’s my Friday Story Time by Lia, I know it’s short but mommy and I left for Indiana yesterday to visit her brother! I haven’t seen my uncle Zac in two years and was so excited to fly in an airplane again and visit with Zac! I’ll have more on this adventure soon!
Wow, now you have some spending money for your trip. I hope you have lots of fun in Indiana.
When Lia gets money, she doesn’t spend it Brenda. She loves saving!
Big girl teeth! How exciting, $5 for each is amazing. I would receive a quarter! How fun! Buy something memorable with your tooth fairy account! Have a wonderful trip!!!
Lia says thank you Cindy and she plans to save her money. Looking forward to updates on her trip.
What a big day! Lia was smart to put her teeth under the pillow quickly. I thought I was smart and started saving my teeth to get a bigger payday. It didn’t work well for me LOL
I hope they have a great trip and I look forward to the updates!
Well she kept forgetting the first one Dominique, it’s so tiny it’s good she didn’t lose it. I can’t wait for her Indiana trip update!
Way to go to take good care of your dental health and congratulations on your first two big girl teeth! What a milestone! Oh, and I’m impressed on how the Tooth Fairy keeps up with inflation. From a dime to five bucks, really nice! Do you have a piggy bank?
Lia says thanks Tamara. She loves to save her money and has two banks. One is a huge baby bottle she got when she was born and uses that for bills, the other is a giant soda bottle bank about 3 feet high for her change!
Wow! $5 for a tooth. I remember when the going rate was a nickel!
Ya inflation hit high for the tooth fairy Roy!
Wow Lia! I used to get 50 cents when I lost baby teeth when I was little! What are you going to do with your $10? Spend it on baking goodies? 🙂
Lia says she’s going to say her money Angie. She loves saving.
Congratulations, Lia! You are growing up so fast. It looks like you even have a tattoo. Have a fun weekend!
Lia says, Thank you Jeanine. When I get upset mommy tells me to just breathe. She found a press on tattoo that says that.
Wow, five dollars per tooth! The tooth fairy is going to make you rich!! You should be able to buy ingredients for a rather extravagant cake with that money!
Mommy told her the four front teeth get $5 each then it goes down to $1 each Alice. I got a dime! LOL Lia is a saver and loves saving her money.
That’s so sweet .I am glad Lia is getting shiny new big girl teeth right on time.Take very good care of them.
Lia has always been one to brush her teeth Amrita. Sometimes she takes forever! LOL