Lia’s Twelve Day Countdown – Day 7

Month by month, there are so many milestones for Lia’s Twelve Day Countdown – Day 7. From her first tooth popping out to walking while supporting her. Lia is on the way to so many adventures the month before her 7 month birthday!

When that first tooth appears, it seems like everyone gets excited. But Lia didn’t want anything to do with anyone poking around her mouth to look at it. Since she is always full of smiles I was able to snap a not perfect picture but at least we can see her first pearly white!

Lia’s major accomplishment was being able to stand from sitting and walk with the help of `being supported at not even seven months old. She never wanted to crawl but if she did, it was a crab walk crawl with her feet on the ground so as to not get her knees dirty!

When she would watch her favorite movie, Lia would get so excited and sit for hours right up to the end.

Since GG papa has been a Dodger baseball fan forever it’s no wonder Lia wouldn’t have her own Dodger gear just like her mommy did when she was her age.

I’m not sure what Lia was dreaming about while snuggled next to GG papa but it must have had a happy ending by the smile she had while still sleeping and an even bigger one when she woke up.

Lia and her little friend Layla had their first play date! Their mommies have been friends since they were about 7 or 8 years old and now their little ones are close in age. Another young friendship has begun!

She has always been inquisitive and likes figuring out how things work. But after a busy time playing, Lia was ready to climb up on GG papa’s lap for a little shut eye.

Lia had another milestone when she celebrated her 1st St. Patrick’s day. She is all dressed up with a big smile!

These pictures were just too cute to not add! Lia’s mommy took them and she puts some really cool captions! At seven months, Lia has her eyes on the road, even though she was parked in the driveway! LOL

Another beautiful day walking around Tanger Outlet Mall with Lia and her mommy. Lia looks like a little boat pilot and she was right at home checking out the flowers. A day to Tanger isn’t complete with GG mama and Lia sitting in the big red chair!

Time for Lia’s seven month doctor visit as she patiently waits with mommy. She loved playing with the activity board while waiting to get her vitals. As always, she did great and is growing so fast.

This beautiful Christening gown was made by my grandmother in 1902 for her seven children. My mom was caretaker next and my 2 sisters and I wore it. I was blessed to take over when our children were born and both our daughters wore this gown along with three of our grandchildren. Lia is the first great grand baby to wear it and the silk is still in excellent condition. Hoping it will go for many more generations.

Who is that baby in the mirror? Oh it’s baby Lia and she’s giving the “baby” a kiss! Mommy is such a great photographer when it comes to capturing one of a kind photos.

By the time Lia was 6 months old she was well on her way exploring new things since she already has a start on walking and with her first tooth that popped out, I’m sure she will be getting many more in the months to come. She is one cool little Princess! Check out Lia’s Twelve day countdown – day 6 if you missed it.

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Martha DeMeo

I started my blog on Christmas Day 2014 mainly to review products I received. Since then it has evolved into many other categories of lifestyles, family, money saving ideas, low cost, delicious and healthy meals plus other surprise posts. My granddaughter has her own category, Alex's Articles and the latest addition to my blog is my great granddaughter now has her category, Lia's Likings The Baby Blogger! Lia started blogger at 8 months old and she now has a Friday Story Time blog you won't want to miss! I welcome you to join the conversation, ask a question, give a suggestion or leave a comment on any blog post. I hope you enjoy Lia's Likings, she has some great posts that will make you smile!

6 Discussion to this post

  1. NANCY says:

    She’s a darling little girl. πŸ™‚

  2. Cheryl Messick says:

    she is too precious!! love reading about her adventures

  3. Amanda Gene says:

    I am enjoying this series. πŸ™‚

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