Lia’s Twelve Day Countdown – Day 6

Six days down, six more to go until this little sweetheart turns a year old! She is growing so fast and the changes we have seen this month are incredible. Lia’s twelve month countdown – day 6 is full of excited new adventures.
One of Lia’s accomplishments this month is standing steady and ready to take off. As usually she is always so proud of everything she does!
An exiting day was when mommy, daddy, GGpapa and GGmama took Lia to the park. Lia had a fun time going down the slide, swinging and even falling asleep after a fun filled morning. Three generations of love. Lia with her mommy and GGmama.
Playtime is now so exciting for Lia. It didn’t take her long to figure out how to beat her drums. Lia is in a book club and receives a book each month until she turns 5 years old. Her library will be full of exciting books, thanks to Dolly Pardon’s Imagination Library.
Last month Lia fell in love with Finding Nemo. When I found Nemo fabric I knew I had to create a Nemo Minky for her. I love her expressions as she starts to open the package until she inspects it and shows a big grin of approval.
Not even six months old yet and Lia shows compassion. She was watching Finding Nemo with GGpapa and was laughing at the happy parts but when Nemo’s dad started crying after the loss of Coral, Lia got such a serious look on her face.
Talk about compassion, when GGpapa had a bad headache, he put his hand up to his head. Lia looked at him and did the same! She has healing powers for sure.
This is another favorite! Lia is in the wagon we got for her mommy when she was about her age! Mommy was about 9 months in this picture and Lia almost 6 months. Many of you know I hang on to everything and this is a prize keeper for sure. Hopefully it will be in the family for generations to come.
Another first this month! Lia is celebrating her first Valentine’s Day!
Lia crawled into her favorite spot next to GGpapa for a little nap. She always has to grab papa’s finger so he won’t get away. LOL When she woke up she was playing with her toes. I love taking unposed photos.
Lia’s mommy took this selfie of the beautiful “twins” on Lia’s 6 month birthday! Look at their eyes!!
Lia loves her food and puts her hand on mommy’s when she’s feeding her. By the time Lia turned 6 months old, she was already doing so many exciting things. If you missed Lia’s Twelve day countdown for day five, here’s the link.
I have enjoyed seeing Lia’s adventures so much. I especially love that she helps Rich take his mind off the pain in some ways. Holding his finger and putting her hands on his head . So, so sweet!
Rich is in so much constant pain but when Lia is around she is like magic. For being so young, she has so much compassion, just like her mommy. I’m going to try to compile all 12 posts into a book for Lia when she turns 18. Thanks for visiting Wendy.
more smiles from this post..
Thanks Vidya, just putting these post together makes me smile over and over! How one little body can do that, I don’t know.
Absolutely adorable.
Thanks Judie, I’m having so much fun reliving Lia’s early days!
Oh, I love this! What a cutie pie! Hope she has an amazing First Birthday! ❤❤
Thanks Shannon, we’re just hoping the rain gets out of the system by next Saturday. So excited for her to see what’s all planned for her party!
What a sweet little doll baby you have. Happy early birthday.
Thank you April, Lia has so much love in her little body and she’s always sharing a smile! Thanks for visiting.
They grow up so fast don’t they. I miss those days.
Yes they do Nicole! I was mentioning to her mommy that she has lost her “baby look” and she informed me Lia is a toddler now! So excited for her birthday party!
oh my soooooooo adorable!!!!
Thank you Dina, Lia is such a sweet little one, always sharing her smile!
Such an active little princess!
Lia doesn’t miss a beat Stacy! She is always reading to try and learn new things.