Lia’s Terrarium

It’s Friday Story Time by Lia and wait until you see what I’m doing! I received a coupon in the mail for a free Back to the Roots Kid’s Grow Garden and mama and pop took me to Lowe’s Hardware to pick up the kit! I’m so excited to put Lia’s Terrarium together and watch my microgreens grow!

The kit came with a glass jar, stickers, red and yellow sand, a soil disc and seeds! I’m ready to start my grow kit!

First I added some stickers around the jar, some of them are even glow in the dark stickers! I have a sun, moon, stars and other neat stickers on my jar.

Now it’s time to carefully add the red sand. I pour it in the jar very carefully and try to get it even at the bottom.

I do the same with the yellow sand but my hand slipped and I spilled some on the table! But mama came to the rescue and helped me brush it up and put in the jar. I did it, look at my jar filled with the red and yellow sand.

There wasn’t any garden soil in the box but there was a round disc. I had to drop that in a small amount of water and as soon as it hit the water it started to grow! It turned into garden soil after the water soaked up in the disc.

Once the disc magically turned into soil I took a spoon and added the soil to the top of the yellow sand. Careful, carefully I scoop the sand into the jar and then pat it done to make sure it’s level.

Now I’m ready to plant the seeds! I carefully sprinkled the seeds on the soil and then even more carefully poked the seeds into the soil to cover them a little. I had to add a bit more water to the soil now that the seeds were in place.

Look at Lia’s Terrarium, it’s all done and I’m ready to watch the seeds grow! I covered the jar with a wet paper towel to keep the soil moist and have to water it daily to keep the soil from drying out. I have it sitting on the window sill so it can get some sun.

I started my garden on Wednesday and the instructions said to remove the cover and I should see little sprouts starting to grow on day 3. Day 3 is today, Friday and I have little sprouts growing!

I’m excited to watch my little seeds sprout and grow into microgreens. Pop loves salad so I can make him a salad and add some of my greens to it!

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10 Discussion to this post

  1. Brenda Fluharty says:

    Your terrarium is so pretty.

  2. vidya says:

    Lia, love the expressions on your face at each step 🙂 and looking forward to see what happens next

  3. Amrita says:

    The total concentration on Lia’s face as she spoons the soil in place is adorable. She is a very sincere little girl.Love reading her stories.

    • Martha says:

      Thanks for visiting Lia’s Terrarium Amrita. She loves working on projects and is always so enthusiastic and gives it her full concentration. Part 2 will be coming soon!

  4. Hope those sprouts continue to spur Lia on to learn more about the earth around us.

    • Martha says:

      I think they will Roy, she enjoyed her vegetable garden last summer and already planning what to plant this year. She enjoys learning about so many things.

  5. Amanda Gene says:

    Great post Lia. I enjoy reading about your adventures.

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