Lia’s Birthday Party in Indiana

Today is Friday Story Time by Lia and I’m sharing my Chapter two about my trip to Indiana where mommy was waiting for me. Today my story is about Lia’s Birthday Party in Indiana. The first chapter of my story ended meeting up with mommy after driving almost 1000 miles and about 14 hours riding in papa’s truck. She was so excited to see me, it seemed like forever since she went up to visit her brother Zac. Here is my blog for Chapter One where I shared my Long Road Trip With Papa and Mama.

Chapter Two

After hugs from mommy and Uncle Zac we went inside. Zac’s birthday was a few weeks ago so we surprised him with some birthday presents and I made him a cool card. He loved it and hung it up so he can always see it.

Mama and papa gave Zac a drone and we had fun flying it in his yard! We didn’t do much the first day except hang around and visit. Mama and Papa were staying until my birthday party on Friday so that will be fun.

But then we had a surprise, Uncle Zac took us all to Red Lobster for dinner. Look at all this yummy food! We all wore our masks in but could take them off when we ate. That was a good thing, I was wondering how I would get my mac and cheese in my mouth with my mask on!

I stayed one more night at a hotel with mama and papa and look what papa found! He’s always bringing flowers to us when we’re home so he found a bush in the parking lot and we had flowers in our room. After a long drive and an exciting day I was so ready for bed after grabbing some grapes. I jumped into bed, snuggled under the covers and was fast asleep in dreamland! Tomorrow I was going to have my birthday party in Indiana!

I was so excited when I found out where I was going for an early birthday party! We went to Get Air, it’s a fun place where there were all kinds of places to jump on and in! Look at all the foam blocks and the big stretchy swings! I even grabbed some rings way up high, but Uncle Zac was holding me up to reach them.

What a fun time I had jumping and swinging but soon it was time to head over to Uncle Zac’s garage for the rest of my 2nd birthday party. Look how pretty everything is with pink and purple decorations and all the balloons!

I got so many presents, one was a donut maker! So when I get back home I can bake some donuts along with my cookies and bread.

You know what comes next…. it’s the cake! We had cupcakes for the guests and I got my own little cake! For my 1st birthday party I made such a mess on my face with my cake! But this year I’m a big girl and was very careful eating it. My party in Indiana was so much fun and soon I’ll be 2 years old!!

After the party Zac, mommy, papa and mama had their picture taken together. Then papa sat me on the running board of his truck to tell me he and mama were driving the long road trip back home tonight while I stay with mommy and Zac. I was happy I was staying but sad that mama and papa were going home. I told papa don’t be sad, mommy and I will be flying home in 12 more days.

After the long road trip with mama and papa, we got to Indiana to see mommy and then I had a super 2nd birthday party! Hope you enjoyed my Friday Story Time by Lia and I’ll be back next week with some more exciting times in Indiana with mommy and Uncle Zac!

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14 Discussion to this post

  1. Pamela says:

    Ok, first Happy Birthday to Uncle Zac and to my virtual buddy Lia! Thank you for sharing your adventures in Indiana and sharing your birthday with me and everyone. My dogs were howling along as I read it allowed here and they were looking at the fun photos, they think you had a “HOWLING” good time, LOL! And wished they were there to celebrate with you all now!! Scout wants to know one thing- that donut maker- can you make BAGELS with it too? (FYI Scout is a true BAGEL connoisseur!!

    • Martha says:

      Lia’s Indiana birthday was awesome but wait until she writes about her birthday party she had when she got back home! I’ll tell Lia to see if her donut machine can make bagels Pamela!

  2. Glenda Cates says:

    What a fum Borthday. Charlie said je would like to come jump. I like pink and purple as well. I am glad you enjoyed your Trip. Happy Birthday. 2 will be fun.

    • Martha says:

      It was so much fun Glenda. Lia hasn’t been around her friends since covid started and they all had a super time. Charlie would have loved jumping I’m sure!

  3. I got so wrapped up in that story!! It almost felt like I was there. Sounds like Lia had a wonderful time. But 14 days is a long time to be away. I can see why she said not to be sad.

    • Martha says:

      Lia was so much fun on the road trip and such a great passenger Jeanine! Lia is so special, I’m gladd you enjoyed her story! Wait until her next chapter!

  4. Happy birthday, Lia. Glad you had a great time- even with the truck drive from heck!

    • Martha says:

      LOL Lia had a great time, counting big rigs and eating McDonald’s Roy! LOL Her Indiana party was so much fun but wait until you read her next chapter of excitement she had while visiting Uncle Zac!

  5. vidya says:

    Fun birthdays all around…. And those last two pictures are simply beautiful!!

  6. Alice Gerard says:

    Happy birthday to Uncle Zac and to Lia! What a great adventure everyone had. I really enjoyed Lia’s recounting of the tale! The place where you could jump and bounce looked like fun, and the cake looked very yummy.

    • Martha says:

      Thanks from Zac and Lia! We gave Lia the bouncy bounce last Christmas but it’s only been recently since she’s been bouncing around. Hope she can have Carlos and Layla over more often, even though we are going against the covid rules. I still think children need interaction with other little ones. Thanks for stopping by Alice!

  7. Amanda Gene says:

    Happy birthday Lia! Glad you enjoyed your day.

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