Labor of Love

Back in July I started working on my quiet corner in the backyard, I call it a labor of love. It’s a place where I can go and sit in peace and quiet while meditating or reading and hearing the mellow tones of the wind chimes my daughter surprised me with. I finished this corner after the July challenge was over so I wanted to share updated pictures of it now.

The first thing I did was add patio blocks to the center area for the bench and what a difference that made. As I stepped back looking at the corner something bother me. I realized the lilac bush that never blooms was too much for the corner, I wanted a cleaner look so I dug that up and replanted it by my shed. Then I removed the fence that was around Lia’s garden and added a rock border. It made the entire area more uniform. I even got a bag of pea stones to add to the sides of the patio blocks to fill in that little strip. I need to work on adding grass but I’m so happy with my quiet corner.

I also added little butterfly lights and those along with the lighted up cross on the stepping stone give the corner a very peaceful feel in the evening.

This is now my go to place when I need to take time for myself. I love how peaceful it is, listening to them chimes when there is a breeze and hearing the birds chirp from the trees. It’s also perfect for meditation and reading quotes that help me get through my days from books written by my dear blogger friend Kebba. It’s my little piece of heaven where I know Rich is near me.

I hope you enjoyed my update and you won’t want to miss tomorrow’s blog when I share a visitor in my quiet corner!
What a great idea- a quiet corner. Especially with the butterfly lights. I’m sure you feel your husband’s love there and the peace that he is always with you. Whenever I see a butterfly in my life I know that my mom is still with me.
I’m so happy that I made his quiet corner Cheryl. It’s peaceful when the wind chime gently pays a tune and I can be in my quiet corner and also look across the yard at my mom’s memory garden or turn the other way see Lia’s reflection garden. All make me so happy.
I love your new and improved quiet corner and the wind chimes. So peaceful and mystic!
The so you Tamara, the wind chimes are so beautiful sounding and the perfect addition to my quiet corner
It’s lovely, Martha. I can see that it was a labour of love. I love the sound of the wind chimes, too.
Thank you Lily, I feel so much love and peace when I’m there.
I love this!
Thanks Amanda, I’m so happy with the progress I’ve made.