It’s Christmas Again Plus a GiveAway

This is a modern day Christian musical about a boy who goes back in time and experiences the birth of Christ for himself, reminding him of what Christmas is truly about. It’s in theaters one night only on November 29th so mark your calendar! But I got to view the musical early and it’s awesome!
Read about It’s Christmas Again plus a giveaway below for an Amazon Gift Card!
The musical starts with the hustle and bustle of everyone shopping and getting ready for Christmas. Jake planned to spend Christmas vacation on a skiing trip but his girlfriend Abbey couldn’t go because her mom wanted her home for Christmas. Of course this upset Jake and he surprised Abbey at church as they were praticing for the play. Abbey couldn’t talk Jake into being a shepard in the play since he planned to skip Christmas. He rode his skateboard away as Abbey told him to look up at the stars. It was then when he had an accident and hit his head.
He woke up in Bethlehem where he met two shepards. An Angel had told them to find a baby in a manger. Following along with them, they found Baby Jesus.
The next scene Jake wakes up and is back home but the church had been replaced with a nail salon and there was no Christmas or decorations. It was at this point where Jake remembered The Christmas Carol movie where it goes into the past, then the future before waking up in the present.

As Jake woke up from his accident he realized the true meaning of Christmas is helping others. With Abbey and his new friend Joe who witnessed the accident, they came up with a plan to help others by handing out gifts to the less fortunate.
God uses dreams to share his vision with people and this is what happened to Jake by seeing the past and future. He realized that the Son of God is the reason for Christmas.

This musical is lively, great singing and dancing, excitement and throughout it keeps you wondering what will happen next. It’s great for the entire family to watch together.
Like Mother, Like Daughter?

Darby Cappillino, who plays Amanda, sits down with her real Mom, Leigh Cappillino, from Christian music group POINT OF GRACE, to talk about IT’S CHRISTMAS AGAIN and gives a heartfelt mom-perspective on the new film. You won’t want to miss this message from Leigh Cappillino.

Be sure to watch the trailer and get excited to see It’s Christmas Again!
A Magical Musical Adventure Through Time coming to theaters November 29 FOR ONE

It’s Christmas Again is in theaters only one night, NOVEMBER 29th!
Buy your tickets TODAY to see IT’S CHRISTMAS AGAIN in theaters only on 11/29!
Website to purchase tickets:
Amazon Gift Card Giveaway!!
Now it’s time for a chance to win a $10.00 Amazon Gift Card!!!
a Rafflecopter giveawayContest ends Novemer 30, 2022 at midnight and winner will be notified.
This giveaway is limited to U.S. residents only.

The Heart of “It’s Christmas Again” and the message this musical brings is don’t forget Jesus this Christmas.
One teenager’s journey to discover the true meaning of Christmas.
A film with a beautiful reminder that Jesus is the reason for the season.
Many thanks to Mapelle Films for providing a sample of the product for this review.
Opinions are 100% my own.
#ItsChristmasAgainMIN #MomentumInfluencerNetwork
This is an awesome Christian musical for the entire family to watch!
I would love to see this movie. I think that everyone in family would like to see it.
I thought of you when I posted this Naomi! The movie is great, easy to follow even for young ones! Good luck on the giveaway!
One wojuld tink they could let folks watch this vai their computers (with or without a charge).
Hope you enjoy it, Martha!
I did find out the one day is just an opening for new films. They will have other showings at churches and other pleaces in different towns. Thanks for stopping by Roy.
This would be great to watch with my family
I watched the movie and it’s so interesting and perfect for the entire family Marisela.
This looks like a good movie to watch. Hugs to you and Lia.
It is a great movie Amanda, I just found out it will be showing at other locations after the first night showing.
Would love to see this!
It’s a wonderful musical Will!
Thank you for the book pointing to Jesus!!!
I love this musical Diane, I hope you get to see it.
This sounds like a wonderful movie to watch with the family.
That’s what I like most Kelly, it’s a movie for the entire family to watch together.
Love musicals this looks cute I hope I get to see it.
It is cute and easy to follow for both children and adults. I hope you get to see it Jenny.
This sounds like an amazing Christmas musical
I’m so happy I was able to see a sneak preview of this musical Sara! I hope you can see it too.
looks festive
A great musical bn100! I hope you get to see it.