Inspired By A Quote
The suggested topic for day 12 on the Ultimate Blog Challenge is be Inspired By a Quote. This couldn’t have come at a better time! I have a wonderful book with 365 Inspirational Quotes that I try to read daily. I didn’t get a chance to read it earlier so when I read it for my blog, and after the day I had, it couldn’t have been a better daily quote.

Both my hubby and I are always ready to help anyone out but lately my mind has been on my 100-year-old mother-in-law, trying to get her into assisted living or a nursing home. It’s hard to communicate with someone this age who is set in her ways, without getting frustrated but I’m managing to not let my frustrations show when I’m talking with her. I would like to think with all we have helped, my life has been worthwhile. Some people have been helped without realizing it but those are the ones that make it extra worthwhile.

365 Inspirational Quotes is a wonderful book of daily quotes and so many fit the day perfectly.
I like to read too. I believe that they have that power to inspire us. Wish you the best with your mother-in-law.
I enjoy reading daily quotes and inspirations Edel, the do inspire me in so many ways. Thanks for thoughts for mother-in-law.
hi Martha
We seem to have arrived here on the #UBC #blogboost channel at the same time again.
I’ve been reading your posts for so long I know your life is extremely valuable.
The advice, tips, and insight you have shared here have mentored more people than you can imagine.
When you look back on it all when you have reached 100 years, you will understand that you can not do it any other way.
Blog on!
Thanks Doug, I have always enjoying mentoring and sharing what knowledge I have with others. WOW, I can’t imagine me 31 years from now being 100! We shall see. LOL
Hang in there. I am sure it is challenging dealing with someone with such an advanced age. I hope it all works out.
Thanks Kemkem, it is definitely a challenge but she’s worth it. I just keep thinking when I’m her age, my granddaughter will be doing the same for me. LOL
I love the quote you wrote on today. My daughter and I were discussing that today as we were mourning for a friend. When one just stays their true self one can impact another life in ways unknown.
So sorry to hear about your friend Elynn, but happy this quote was able to give you a bit of comfort. Thanks for visiting.
Martha, like Doug says, you have been a wonderful help to so many of us through your blog; and through your comments on our, yes – totally worthwhile …..
Aww, thank you so much for the kind words LadyInRead. I enjoy helping people in any way I can. Thanks for visiting once again!
Hey! I have that book. I never looked at even half the quotes last year though…
You should check them out Nona! I’ve found that some of them are right on spot for me! Thanks for visiting, now go get your book! LOL