I Watch As You Sleep

Where has the time gone? My great granddaughter, Lia Faith will be celebrating her 2nd birthday on August 23rd! It seems like she was just born! But watching her grow into such a beautiful and smart little girl has been wonderful. Since day one Lia would cuddle with GGpapa when she took her nap. After looking back through pictures, I wrote this poem about Lia and papa during nap time. I hope you enjoy I Watch As You Sleep.

I Watch AsYou Sleep

I watch as you sleep, so precious and small.

Snuggled in papa’s arms, you don’t move at all.

You feel papa’s love, wrapped around you so tight.

Sleep my sweet one, wake when the time is right.

My how you’ve grown, still snuggling on pop’s lap.

His arms still around you, as you drift off for a nap.

So peaceful you sleep, but you’re growing so fast.

But pop’s arms will be there, full of love that will last.

Two years later Lia still crawls up on GGpapa’s laps but her naps are few and far between now. She is too busy learning, baking, doing crafts, going on hikes and working in her garden to take time out of her busy day to nap!

Thank you for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed my poem, I Watch As You Sleep.

I get my poem ideas from photos, family, and events that have happened. This is one of my favorites I wrote back in about 2012 when my granddaughter was about 8 or 9 years old at the time. After a quick visit to Indiana to see their new house I thought up this poem after I saw her sweet face waiting at the window for us to pull in. Trinity even wrote a big chalk message in the driveway so we would know it was the right house! http://themarthareview.com/waiting-at-the-window/

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Martha DeMeo

I started my blog on Christmas Day 2014 mainly to review products I received. Since then it has evolved into many other categories of lifestyles, family, money saving ideas, low cost, delicious and healthy meals plus other surprise posts. My granddaughter has her own category, Alex's Articles and the latest addition to my blog is my great granddaughter now has her category, Lia's Likings The Baby Blogger! Lia started blogger at 8 months old and she now has a Friday Story Time blog you won't want to miss! I welcome you to join the conversation, ask a question, give a suggestion or leave a comment on any blog post. I hope you enjoy Lia's Likings, she has some great posts that will make you smile!

20 Discussion to this post

  1. Glenda Cates says:

    Beautiful poem Lia, is growing so fast and she makes me miss my grandpa so much..

    • Martha says:

      Memories Glenda, we need to hang on to them. I’ll be making a book from all Lia’s stories and poems for when she’s 18 years old.

  2. Your poem is beautiful, Martha!! I think about her reading that when she’s older, and seeing those precious pictures. Thank you, again, for sharing Lia with us.

    • Martha says:

      Thank you Jeanine, I love the things that pop in my mind and I turn into poems. I need to start compiling them in a book soon.

  3. Amrita says:

    Loved seeing Lia sleep and the poem.A lovely post

    • Martha says:

      Thanks Amrita, I see pictures and the poems come out of my head. I’ll never be a famous writer but I hope Lia loves them all.

  4. I neededa tissue for this one Martha. I love your poem.

    • Martha says:

      I forgot the tissue alert Brenda! It’s not a prize winning poem but I love writing them when the words just come out of my mind. Thanks for visiting.

  5. Nancy Smyth says:

    What a sweet poem! Grandchildren are the best!

  6. Barb Jemmott says:

    What a lovely post! Thanks for sharing this special time with your readers!

  7. Time flies for little kids!

    • Martha says:

      OMG it sure does Roy! Lia will be 2 years old next month, how did that happen so quickly? Must be I was blogging when the days kept slipping by!

  8. Chef William says:

    Great poem, wonderful pictures. I have really enjoyed watching her in the kitchen and garden. Look forward to more pictures over the coming months. I say months because I know you will be sharing them with us even after the challenge. Thank you. We miss our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren now that we are retired and living in Mexico. With all the virus etc they can not travel to visit us and we can not travel to visit them.

    • Martha says:

      It’s times like this when FaceTime nf other video apps are great. Still misses the hugs but at least we can see our loved ones. Stay tuned, Lia has a few baking projects coming soon Chef William.

  9. I just love this, Martha! <3 So beautiful. And as a gram to two grands who are growing up, I can relate. That time when they snuggle with you as they sleep is so very, very precious.

    • Martha says:

      Papa did the same thing with Lia’s mommy when she was growing up Lori. We always kid that Alex had Papa’s right shoulder and Lia has his left. Oh the memories,.pure love.

  10. Amanda Gene says:

    So cute! I enjoyed your poem.

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