Hunting for Wayward Golf Balls

Hunting for Wayward Golf Balls
Here we are, in the Golf Capital of the World but we don’t golf! Our interior decorating store is in a small strip mall that backs up to a golf course. Every morning when we pull into our parking lot, hubby and I go Hunting for Wayward Golf Balls! Sometimes we don’t find any, other times we find a few but today hubby hit the jackpot and came in with six golf balls!! During working hours, we hear them hitting the back of our building or see them flying over the roof! That’s a bit scary to see a golf ball flying through the air and wondering if it will dodge the vehicles. Yes it has happened, a hood or roof will get dinged by one.

Why am I saving them all? I’ve joked about doing craft projects with them when hubby and I are in an old folks home. But I also saw some cute ways to paint them and make little critters. The one I liked was painting them red, adding black dots and turning them into ladybugs for the garden. I found a great blog, “Turning the Clock Back” and Dianne H. has awesome lady bug crafting instructions.
Another idea is to paint them bright colors, add three or four together and make a caterpillar. I could even make a cute little snowman or paint them orange and make pumpkins for Halloween.
I started checking online and the ideas are endless! Pinterest has some awesome ideas and photos and I’m going to start planning what to make out of them. While checking them out, I found pages and pages of golf ball crafts! Here are two links for some super ideas.
Check out “Golf Ball Crafts” by Sherron H.
Another one for great ideas is from Carol S. with her “Golf Ball Art”.
Both links have colorful photos and super ideas. Now my head is FULL of things to do with all the wayward golf balls that fly over the roof!
So my next project is to start cleaning the golf balls up and deciding on which craft project I will do first. Have you even done crafts with golf balls? I’m thinking maybe making a wreath would be a cool idea also!
I have done no crafting with golf balls but I think it’s a cute idea. Especially the caterpillar thing! That would neat for kids or teachers to decorate with & show to their students. Hey, maybe you could make something decorative for the great-grandbaby who is on the way?
There are so many cute ideas for crafting with the Jeanine, I’ll have to work on a one of a kind decoration for great grandbaby. Great idea, thanks!