Healthy Life Plan

Healthy Eating Plan Changed to Healthy Life Plan

I think I need to change my “healthy eating plan” to my “healthy life plan” since the next part of my plan is adding exercise to my routine.  I have a feeling this may be more of a challenge than not having sweet tea or sugary desserts.

I started my journey to healthy eating the beginning of July and I’m so proud of myself, I haven’t even craved sweet tea, brownies or even ice cream!  I am not following a “certified” plan or any special diet, I just learn as I go, like everything else I do.  When first diagnosed, I researched and found that fatty liver is the accumulation of fat in your liver. Often there are no symptoms, although it may cause fatigue or pain in your upper right abdomen.  Things were falling into place since when I ate, I had severe pain in my upper abdomen and because my little flapper value going to my stomach doesn’t work right, it took even longer for my food to go down to the right place. But on a good note, since being on my new healthy eating plan for only a month, I can feel a big difference, there is hardly no bloating or pain when I eat.

So now I’m ready for the next part of my healthy life plan where I will add an exercise routine.  According to what I’ve been reading, exercise can help improve non alcoholic fatty liver disease and some say it doesn’t matter what type as long as your moving.  I’ve read to exercise 150 minutes a week while other articles say 20 minutes every other day and work up to 20 minutes everyday.

So this is my plan…..since I’m heading for 70 years old, I need to exercise to keep the flabby arms at bay, my back and neck need addressing to keep them moving as best they can, gotta keep my heart pumping steady plus exercising for my non-alcoholic fatty liver.

I dusted off the Cardio bike that has been stored in my grandson’s room, moved the boxes away from the weight machine and got my bands ready!  I don’t have an exact plan yet except to start with 15 minutes every other day on the cardio bike.  (I started this back in 2016 and was very dedicated until we started running to Ohio every few weeks for our granddaughter’s surgeons appointments and surgery.  Once I stop a routine, it’s hard for me to get back at it but I’m determined again!)  After I get re-acclimated to this, I will then go to everyday.  I like the stretching exercises with my long band, I attach it to a door knob and can stretch muscles I didn’t know I had.

Once I have been working on the cardio bike for a few weeks, my bones should have all the creaks out of them and I will start on the weight machine to work on my arms, legs and strengthen my back.

Since this is the last day of the Ultimate Blog Challenge, I plan to keep track of my exercising and report back when the October challenge begins!  Wish me luck that I can keep on schedule with my healthy life plan!

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Martha DeMeo

I started my blog on Christmas Day 2014 mainly to review products I received. Since then it has evolved into many other categories of lifestyles, family, money saving ideas, low cost, delicious and healthy meals plus other surprise posts. My granddaughter has her own category, Alex's Articles and the latest addition to my blog is my great granddaughter now has her category, Lia's Likings The Baby Blogger! Lia started blogger at 8 months old and she now has a Friday Story Time blog you won't want to miss! I welcome you to join the conversation, ask a question, give a suggestion or leave a comment on any blog post. I hope you enjoy Lia's Likings, she has some great posts that will make you smile!

12 Discussion to this post

  1. Dr.Amrita says:

    Lovely getting to know you Martha.Exercise but take it easy with the weights ☺.Your numerical age inspires me to keep learning.See you again in October .Keep visiting Healthwealthbridge and we can grab some green tea together☺

    • Martha says:

      I so enjoyed getting to know you also Dr. Amrita and enjoyed reading your blogs. As for the weights, I will start out with very light ones and probably sty with them for a long time. But it’s a start and I’ll hopefully have a good update come the October challenge. I’ll be sure to stop by for some green tea with you.

  2. Nita says:

    Good luck on that bike. I struggle to ride mine for five minutes. I think I get bored more than anything. I started moving more a couple of years ago, but wasn’t consistent. Still, I managed to walk to 5K events last summer. Then I slacked off. I’m back to walking again, and a friend and I are going to hike the Black Mesa here in Oklahoma in April.

    • Martha says:

      That was my problem when I started last time Nita, I got bored! But I found by listening to music, the time went by without constantly looking at the clock. LOL Congrats on the 5K (I could NEVER do that) and would love to see pictures of the Black Mesa when you hike that! Thanks for stopping by my blogs and I’ll be back in the challenge come October! Hope to see you there too!

  3. Brenda says:

    Martha, I do yoga and a lot of walking that is how I get my exercise. Housework is exercise for any woman.

    • Martha says:

      Oh yes, housework definitely is exercise. I also do a lot of walking at work, we have a 12′ long table and I’m constantly going from one side to the other. I’ve never done yoga however I’ve heard it’s also good for relaxing plus exercise. Hope I can stick to my exercise plan as good as I have my eating plan! Thanks for visiting and sharing my blogs… blog on Brenda!

  4. Sounds fantastic, Martha.
    I use biking and swimming to stave off the senior years.

  5. Doug says:

    Hi Martha.
    I know you will get results from the exercise program you develop. Maybe there is a book in there between the food and the exercise. With all of the blogging you will have most of it written by the end of the year.
    For me, I have to exercise with a group at a scheduled time or else I will keep postponing it until after the gym is closed. It helps to have someone leading and making sure we all work the required amount of time and exercise a variety of muscles. One of my favourite classes is Zumba Gold. It is set to music, usually Latin, and gets over the boredom problem.

    • Martha says:

      I know what you mean about exercising in a group on a scheduled time but for me I just have to discipline myself to get in the routine and stick with it! There are quite a few Zumba classes nearby but again, it doesn’t fit into my time slot. I’ll turn on the music and ride away! LOL

  6. Andria says:

    I have been slacking and you have inspired me to get back at it.

    • Martha says:

      Let’s do it together Andria! I’m proud of myself for sticking with my eating plan and now starting the exercise part. That’s going to be a bit more challenging because I need to be doing something and working out for 20 minutes seems to be hours! LOL But we can do it!!

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