Happy Birthday Pop

Since tomorrow is my pop’s birthday I thought today would be perfect to share some pictures of pop and me with some of our projects for Friday Story Time by Lia. I will be three years old August 23rd and I have been pop’s sidekick from the day I was born!
Pop and I do so many fun things together. I love when we go hiking or just walking in the yard to check our flowers.
Sometimes we’re serious like when I’m helping pop build my swing set or when I’m painting with him. But other times I like being silly.
Pop has taken me to the beach and the pool. The ocean waves can be very big so I have to hang on to pop’s hand very tight!
It’s been almost three years since I’ve been sleeping on pops lap or he has be hugging me and doing a slow dance together. Look how tiny I was in these pictures!
But there are also times when pop and I just sit and have a heart to heart talk. Last year ma, pop and I went on a road trip from South Carolina to Indiana to meet up with my mommy who flew up a few weeks prior to visit her brother. We traveled through South and North Carolina then Tennessee and Kentucky before we got to Indiana. After spending a few days in Indiana and having my 2nd birthday party there, it was time for ma and pop to drive back home. Pop and I were sitting on the edge of the truck and he was telling me he was going to miss me until mommy and I returned home on the airplane! I had a great time in Indiana but was so happy when I saw pop waiting for us at the airport! Here is my exciting blog about our road trip! http://themarthareview.com/my-long-road-trip-with-papa-and-mama/
One of my favorite things to do is cook and bake. I picked this pepper from my garden and made a stuffed pepper for pop. He loves them and was so surprised when I brought it over to him. Doesn’t it look good?
Since my pop’s birthday is tomorrow I’m sharing some pictures from the past almost three years of him and me for my Friday Story Time by Lia today. I love my pop so much and we make so many memories together whether gardening, painting, hiking, going on trips, swimming or just sitting home snuggling. HAPPY BIRTHDAY POP, I LOVE YOU MORE!!
Aw, this is so sweet. Happy Birthday to your pop!
Thanks Brenda!
What a beautiful post! And those pictures are SO sweet!!
Thanks Jeanine!
Happy birthday!!!
I’m so far behind on the replies! Thank you Amanda!