Gardening Tips From Rich

Gardening Tips From Rich
How To Have Beautiful Roses

I did something different today for my blog topic. I posted on my Facebook wall asking my friends if they had any suggestions they would like me to write about. My friend Mary W. was the first to reply and one of your suggestions was Gardening Tips from Rich. Since it’s the perfect time for the flowers to bloom, that’s a perfect topic! I’m going to give you some of Rich’s tips on how to have beautiful roses.
We live in the south and our roses are in bloom from March to December, sometimes as late as January. After the roses are finished blooming for the season, Rich cuts back the healthy branches to a few inches above the ground and culls out the dead ones.

After the last frost, he will remove any dead grass or weeds around the bushes and add fresh red cedar mulch. He then waters them generously and continues conversing with his rose bushes. Rich talks to his rose bushes continuously everyday and it seems to keep the roses happy and healthy.

After the roses have bloomed, Rich will pick a few everyday and have them on the table for me every morning. When the blooms that we enjoy on the bushes drop their petals, Rich will snap off the base so a new on can start again. The more he snaps off, the more roses appear and the bushes get fuller and fuller with beautiful roses.

I hope you have enjoyed Gardening Tips from Rich and a big thanks to Mary W. for the suggestion!
Well done. keep up the good job Ubersuggest girl
Thanks Gino!