Flops That Turned Out Great

Have you ever planned to make something only to have it flop? I have a few flops that turned out great even though they don’t look that super.

Grilled Cheese Sandwich

I made a quadruple decker grilled cheese sandwich with a layer of provolone topped with shredded mozzarella and then added shredded cheddar topped with another slice of provolone. I buttered the bread and added the sandwich to the frying pan to melt. I went to flip it but it flopped, oozing cheese on the pan. I quickly flipped the bread and tried to stuff the cheese back in it. Other than being a bit overly browned it was delicious! Do you think I like cheese?

Brown Sugar/Cinnamon filled Coffee Cake

I made a coffee cake, the recipe called for it to be cupcakes but I decided to just put it in a 9×9 pan. Well I think it should have been a 9×12 pan because the cake kept rising while baking and was so thick that it took forever to get done. I went to take it out of the pan and the brown sugar filling came pouring out like a volcano. I was able to stuff it back in the cake and once it cooled this too was delicious and oh so sweet!

Faux Samoa Girl Scout Cookies

I found a copy cat recipe for Samoa’s Girl Scout cookies and decided to try them. I made the batter, rolled it out and then realized I didn’t have a cookie cutter with a center hole. In fact I didn’t even have a round cookie cutter! But I went into Lia’s Princess room and check through her “kitchen cupboard” and found a plastic egg that would work! I rolled the dough thin, cut them out with the plastic egg and baked them. The cookie was so good, a light fluffy almost shortbread taste. I melted chocolate melts for the bottom frosting but they didn’t melt, the chocolate just turned into a blob! Gheez, this isn’t working at all! LOL But I didn’t give up, I melted some white chocolate melts and they were perfect. I decided to add purple frosting to make them Alzheimer’s cookies. The topping called for toasted coconut and melted caramel. While toasting the coconut I melted not just caramels but Werther’s CANDY APPLE CARAMELS! It didn’t look like the picture on the recipe but I mixed in the coconut anyway. Well that made it thicker and I couldn’t drizzle it on top so I plopped a caramel pile in each cookie and spread it around best I could. I didn’t have enough frosting to cover the tops so I left them as is. What started out as a flop, turned out delicious and I think it’s better without having the extra frosting on top. I guess I should have waited for Lia to get home from school to help me on this one!

Candied Sweet Potato – NOT A FLOP!

Okay I have to share something that turned out right so wait until you taste this candied sweet potato! Oh wait, you can’t taste it, it’s only a picture, but you can make your own! My neighbor brought us a bag of home grown sweet potatoes so after I cooked one, I cut it in half and scooped out the potato and mashed it up. Next I sprinkled brown sugar, pineapple pieces and butter on the potato and mixed it all together. I put it back in the potato skins and topped it with mini marshmallows and put back in the over until everything melted together. I added more butter when it went on my plate and this candied sweet potato with left over steak and broccoli was not a flop! If you like sweet potatoes, you’ll love this version.

Have you ever made something that flopped but it turned our just fine in the end?

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Martha DeMeo

I started my blog on Christmas Day 2014 mainly to review products I received. Since then it has evolved into many other categories of lifestyles, family, money saving ideas, low cost, delicious and healthy meals plus other surprise posts. My granddaughter has her own category, Alex's Articles and the latest addition to my blog is my great granddaughter now has her category, Lia's Likings The Baby Blogger! Lia started blogger at 8 months old and she now has a Friday Story Time blog you won't want to miss! I welcome you to join the conversation, ask a question, give a suggestion or leave a comment on any blog post. I hope you enjoy Lia's Likings, she has some great posts that will make you smile!

10 Discussion to this post

  1. Tamara says:

    As I was saying the other day, Martha, you are an artist!
    Everything looks yummy – how about you call the cake Cinnamon filled VOLCANO Cake

  2. Nadya says:

    Hee hee – always fun when a flop turns out yummy!!
    The funniest one I remember was making a strawberry cake in HS – mentioning to someone that I’d forgotten the flour!! … all I’d forgotten was the extra 1/4 C flour, to offset the strawberries and jello you added to the white cake mix!! It just was a little denser than intended….
    I am an inventive cook, so often switch recipes around – and have been enjoying playing with my Air fryer! I got little baking cups, and the GF sourdough rolls are fun as muffins ….

  3. Barb says:

    These all look delicious! I also love cheese. I routinely toast some of the cheese onto the outside of my grilled cheese sandwiches. So good. I am now also craving some sweet potatoes. 🙂

  4. Martha, how delightful! I am especially interested in cinnamon-topped or cinnamon-filled baked goodies. My best flop was a batch of brownies with the best-tasting batter ever. I mixed the batch from memory, and UH OH. I would have needed another half pan! They rose and volcanoed out of the pan! It was heck cleaning the oven! But oh the residue was delicious.

  5. It’s good to make mistakes. Its good to still be able to eat them and enjoy them, too. I love grilled cheese.

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