Fall Wheelbarrow Decorations

Hi again, it’s my sharing my Friday Story Time by Lia again! Some of my readers may remember the old rusty wheelbarrow Ma saved from the dump. Back in 2000 our neighbor was throwing it away and Ma had ideas of what she could do with it. For a year it sat in our backyard and Pop was ready to toss it but again Ma saved it! This is the beginning of the story of Don’t Throw That Wheelbarrow Away!

The past two summers I have planted wild flowers in the wheelbarrow and last fall I turned it into a fall decoration with mums and pumpkins.

Look what we did with the old wheelbarrow at Christmas time. We turned it into Santa’s sleigh and even found some cute reindeer to “pull” the sleigh filled with Santa’s toy bag!
This year’s fall wheelbarrow decorations

So now it’s fall again and I started my fall wheelbarrow decorations! I love purple flowers and look what Ma and Pop brought home the other day! The first thing I had to do after pop and I took all the summer wild flowers out was to but fresh garden soil in the wheelbarrow. I filled the wheelbarrow then patted the soil down to make it flat. My new garden gloves that my blogger friend Kebba surprised me with fit perfect and they have little Panda’s on them! They sure do a great job of keeping my hands clean and from getting the soil under my fingernails! (I love my Panda gloves Kebba, thank you again!)

I have the soil ready so now I need to put the plants in the wheelbarrow. Did you know when you pick something up that is heavy you should bend down with your knees bent and your back straight? Then slowly stand staight up so you don’t hurt your back. I did it, look at this beautiful purple mum! Of course Snowball has to check out everything that I’m doing! He is such a silly puppy!!

We put the white mum in front and the two purple ones in the back of the wheelbarrow then covered them with the garden soil.

The soil is in, the flowers are planted and now it’s time to water them. I carefully watered the roots and put a fine mist on the top of the flowers. My project is looking good!

Next it was time to add a finishing touch of some straw around the plants to make it look pretty. Pop pulled a small bag of straw out of the shed and I covered the soil, it makes the flowers look even prettier!

Look at me, I’m a scarecrow!

Pop helped me wheel my fall decorations out to the front yard and this is the beginning of my fall wheelbarrow decorations! I still need to get some pumpkins but I’ve got a good start.

When I got home from school today, Pop had two more flowers and some pumpkin lights so I added them to my display. I think one more flower will be good and we have a big blow-up pumpkin to add when it get’s closer to Halloween!
Ma said she likes the old rusty look of the wheelbarrow but now she’s wondering if we should paint it. What do you think, should I paint it…maybe pink? We use it for all different seasons so maybe pink won’t work as Santa’s sled. Let me know what you would do, leave it old looking or freshen it up with a cool coat of paint?

Thanks for visiting Friday Story Time by Lia, I’ll be back next week with another surprise story! It’s also almost time for the October Ultimate Blog Challenge where Ma and I will be joining again and writing a blog each day of the month! We have to get busy on ideas for that! See you next week!
Y;all have no idea how happy , well maybe 🤔 you do
Lia did a super job decorating her wheelbarrow Rich!
Lia, it looks lovely. I can’t wait to see your finishing touches.
Lia says thank you Brenda! We need to find some cornstalks to complete it!
I love fall. The leaves are already starting to Fall here in Maryland.
Living in the south, we don’t get much color change but looking forward to seeing the changing of the leaves when we go to Maine next week Amanda!