Fall Decorations

It’s Friday Story Time by Lia and I’m sharing the beginning of the fall decorations in our yard in my new blog category.
Last year ma saved an old wheelbarrow from the landfill. Pop, ma and me turned it into a wild flower garden this past spring! This is the old wheelbarrow blog ma wrote. http://themarthareview.com/dont-throw-that-wheelbarrow-away
The wild flowers grew and there were so many different colors! These are some of the beautiful wild flowers that grew in our wheelbarrow! Ma wrote a blog on Nature Photography Day showing how the wild flowers grew in the old wheelbarrow! They were so pretty all summer long but as the summer turned into fall, the flowers started to die away. I’m looking forward to planting more next spring! http://themarthareview.com/nature-photography-day/
Fall Decorations
The other day we went to Lowes Home Improvement to get some flowers and a few pumpkins for the start of our fall decorations. When we got home ma had the bright idea to use the old wheelbarrow for our fall decoration!
First pop took all the old summer flowers out and I helped him leveled off the soil. Next I added some straw on top of the soil for the flower pots to sit in. I like the purple and orange flowers! I put one small pumpkin in the wheelbarrow and the bigger one in front of it. We need to get some more pumpkins but we have a good start to our fall decorations.
Do you see the little center yellow mum? That was one of the flowers that was in our fall display from when I was just over a year old! It was 2019 and it kept growing throughout the fall, would die out but grow back again in the spring through fall. This flower is 3 years old, just like me!
We also got some pumpkin solar lights for my garden and pop surprised me and put one in my wheelbarrow fall decorations display! The first picture was taken in the day time and the other was at night with the pumpkin light on. I think it’s got a good start but I’ll be adding more soon. So watch for more pictures.
Hope you all have a fun weekend and remember to share the sunshine and smiles!
Wow, that looks so pretty
Thank you Brenda!
LOVE! those decorations in the wheelbarrow. Glad you are helping your family “get in the mood”.
A simple display Roy but Lia will add more pumpkins soon!
Cute photos.
Thanks, Lia and I have fun decorating Amanda.