Extreme Heat Warnings

Many areas of the United States are experiencing extreme heat warnings. This is nothing to take lightly as a heat stroke can be deadly. We live on the coast of South Carolina and it’s always hot in the summer but when it’s estimated to hit over 115 , it’s extremely dangerous.
But it’s not just the south that has the extreme heat warnings, it’s up the east coast and also central part of the US and more. This is a photo taken from Fox News TV channel showing where the extreme heat is.
The one thing you want to do when you are out in the heat is to keep hydrated. Drink plenty of fluids but avoid sugary drinks and also very cold drinks can cause stomach cramps. Sport drinks can help replace salt lost when sweating. Whether you are outdoors or driving, I always have water on hand and I like to add frozen berries to give it a hint of flavor. If you do have to be outside, wear lightweight and light colored clothing and try to limit your outdoor activities such as yard work and gardening when it’s the coolest. Hubby likes to do this early morning way before the sun comes up. Make sure you keep an extra eye on children and have water always close by for them. Don’t forget about your pets either, make sure they have plenty of fresh water at all times. Of course everyone knows this, but it seems that some need a reminder. NEVER LEAVING CHILDREN OR PETS IN A VEHICLE ALONE!!! This is not just during extreme heat, it’s for all the time but can you imagine being in a locked car when it’s 100 degrees actual temperature for even a few minutes? It’s also a good idea to check on any elderly or handicapped neighbors to make sure they are okay in this heat.
10 Heat Stroke Warning Signs
1 – High body temperature (skin can be red, dry, hot to touch)
2 – Dizzy and lightheadedness
3 – Rapid heartbeat, difficult to breathe
4 – Confused or disorientated
5 – Nausea or vomitiing
6 – Pulsating headache
7 – Stop sweating (body has lost normal response to sweat causing overheating)
8 – Hot, dry skin
9 – Seizures
10 – Extreme exhaustion
This is the link to the above 10 heat stroke signs where it goes into more detail on each heat stroke warning sign. https://facty.com/ailments/body/10-heat-stroke-symptoms/10/
This CDC chart is broken down into WHAT TO LOOK FOR and WHAT TO DO in heat related illnesses. https://www.cdc.gov/disasters/extremeheat/heattips.html
If you are in any of the areas with extreme heat warnings, please be alert to any signs of distress! If you missed my blog the other day about Rip Current Warnings, here is the link: http://themarthareview.com/rip-current-warnings/
Don’t forget that your pet’s feet will burn if you walk on the asphalt in high temperatures. If it’s 85 degrees in the air, the road surface can be as hot as 140 degrees!
That’s a great tip Virginia, thanks for mentioning it! This heat isn’t good for man or beast.
Reached all so well written
Thank Rich, trying to get the warning out.
We also had episodes of extreme heat. I always drink H2O and take showers.
This heat is a killer Bing! I worry about the elderly and those that don’t have any AC. Hopefully a cool down is in the works.
Heatstroke can be very dangerous. With deforestation and urbanization, the temperature is getting erratic. This is a very helpful post.
So many people don’t take it serious but it can be a deadly. Hubby and I went to the mountains for a few days, it was well over 100 degrees when we left and was in the 70’s when we got to our destination. It felt cold! LOL Thanks for stopping by Amrita/
I found that this post was interesting. In fact, I learned what to look for in a heat stroke. Today, in Florida, it is 88 degrees.
The temperatures have been high in so many area Amanda then to top it over with the heat index it’s very dangerous.