
Encouragement can go two ways. When you encourage someone it gives them confidence by letting them know they are doing something good and should continue. But when something isn’t going too well, you can encourage them to keep trying and not give up.

Little ones get so excited when the learn something now and just by clapping your hands and saying “great job” they are so proud. But it’s easy for little ones to get frustrated when they are working on a project or learning something new. One way to give them encouragement is to tell them they are doing a great job. Work with the child and help them on their project and then praise them when it’s been accomplished. When Lia first learned how to crack an egg, the yolk ran down the side of the stove but I showed her how to hold it when cracking it while saying good job. Once she get it down, I think I was as excited as she was. Lia dropped the egg in the cup and said, “good job!” The more you praise them, the more you encourage them.

The problem with some little ones, they want to do everything themselves and get upset if things aren’t going the right way but won’t give up. That’s when it’s good to give them encouragement as what they have accomplished so far. Whether it be doing a craft, baking, working on a puzzle or trying to get dressed just keep praising them and give encouragement. That’s one of the best ways to help them learn.

With Lia, she is so independent that it’s hard to help her with anything. She tries and tries until she gets it! The first time Lia got on her tricycle we were showing her how to petal, she abruptly said, “I do it!” and she did it! We encouraged her as she was traveling down the sidewalk looking for adventure.

If they are getting frustrated change the subject and give them a treat or talk a walk so it takes their mind off what they are working on. When they get back to their project they will be refreshed and ready to focus again.

Back in 2015 my 16 year old grandson hit hard times. I wrote a blog about an his struggles which I could have used for my yesterday’s blog but along with writing about how inspiring he was I encouraged Zac along his bumpy road. Yes he hit major bumps but I would tell him not to give up, learn from mistakes and keep moving down the right path and don’t look back. http://themarthareview.com/inspiring-young-man/

My grandson turned 22 years old in July and he has kept going down the road to success and he realizes how much he has learned and how much people have encouraged him.

A few months ago he started his own auto detailing business in Lafayette, Indiana and does inside and outside vehicle detailing. His business is mostly from word of mouth and satisfied clients.

This is one of the cars he recently detailed, it looks brand new with the ceramic coat that Zac applied!

I like when he posts the before and after photos of vehicles that have come into his garage. Some have been way worse than these but they all leave looking like new. While Zac doesn’t need encouragement on this one, we still praise him because we are so proud of all he has accomplished through determination and encouragement.

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Martha DeMeo

I started my blog on Christmas Day 2014 mainly to review products I received. Since then it has evolved into many other categories of lifestyles, family, money saving ideas, low cost, delicious and healthy meals plus other surprise posts. My granddaughter has her own category, Alex's Articles and the latest addition to my blog is my great granddaughter now has her category, Lia's Likings The Baby Blogger! Lia started blogger at 8 months old and she now has a Friday Story Time blog you won't want to miss! I welcome you to join the conversation, ask a question, give a suggestion or leave a comment on any blog post. I hope you enjoy Lia's Likings, she has some great posts that will make you smile!

14 Discussion to this post

  1. Looks great. Now, if I were only in Indiana for that detail job!

  2. Those are great tips for how to encourage little ones! But I know what you mean about the delicate balance between wanting to help and encourage and, on the other hand, support their independence.

    • Martha says:

      Yes it’s a fine line between them Jeanine. Lia is so independent and gets frustrated a few times but won’t let anyone help her, she has to figure it out herself. We’re so proud of Zac for the road he was on and the road he is on now. We need to encourage them all but on their own level.

  3. Nancy Smyth says:

    Think your grandson Zac would take a road trip to Vermont? I have what used to be a beautiful burgundy Honda Ridgeline that now looks like a dirt road mess!!!! LOL
    But you’re absolutely correct – encourage the kids & empower them!
    I have a granddaughter who has both eyes trying to be dominate (which makes it really difficult for her when she was learning to drive). She was here and I spent hours with her helping her “learn to see” how she see’s! She did an awesome job first driving up & down our driveway, then in the field next door, and finally on the dirt road.

    • Martha says:

      LOL I told Zac if he ever wants to close his garage and go mobile he would have a great base. I’m so happy your granddaughter do so awesome on driving. We just have to give them encouragement. Thanks for visiting Nancy!

  4. Dan "Jay" Reyes says:

    Good advice from you on encouragement. Encouraging people especially the little ones is so important in molding their character and well-being. BTW, I love the photos and video of Lia here…she’s getting used to the camera now and she’s so cute! 🙂

    • Martha says:

      OMG Lia is a little ham when she sees the camera Dan! But I believe by encouraging them when something is done good or even having hard times to let them know things will work out.

  5. vidya says:

    Love that advice… ensuring they know you are there for them and can help if they need but enabling and trusting them to do things on their own,,,
    And love that logo of your grandson’s detailing business .. that car sure looks new.

  6. Glenda Cates says:

    If he goes on the road he is to come to Fort Worth, Texas and bring Lia with him. I have a lot of cars he can detail but also he needs to bring you and Rich so I can give you a hug for how kind you are to C. As for Lia she is so determined and is going to go far in this world. Heck one day she may be our President and yes, I would vote for her.

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