Empty Prescription Bottles

Empty Prescription Bottles

Some of the common ideas are to use them store small beads for crafting or buttons. We also use them to store nails, screws or nuts and bolts.
Did you ever keep loose change in your glove box or console? When you open either of them, the change gets scattered all through the glove box. You won’t have that problem if you store your change in an empty prescription bottle!
My granddaughter had a brainstorm of an idea the other day. She was measuring out enough formula for her daughter’s bottle and putting two scoops in a baggy. It wasn’t that easy to get the formula into the bottle because it stuck to the plastic. So we checked online for small bottles that were made to hold the dry formula. As I was checking the sizes and prices, her brainstorm hit… why not use one of the smaller sized empty bottles for the formula! I went to my stockpile and found the perfect size empty prescription bottle that held two scoops perfectly! Two scoops makes 4 oz. of formula so even when she gets up to 8 oz. Alexandra can either use two small bottles or we can use the larger sized bottle that holds four scoops. This idea saved her a good bit of money!

Besides using the empty bottles for other ideas, it also saves them from going in the landfill and I love being able to come up with ideas to use things that they aren’t meant to be used for.

This is another blog about making junk useful. http://themarthareview.com/making-junk-useful/
Do you like to come up with ideas for things that they weren’t made for?
I always save my empty bottles, whether they’re prescription, or bottles of sauce – can always use them for something! Salt is a good one 🙂
I am known to be quite a pack rat Megan! But it also saves money and the landfill! Thanks for visiting and glad to see you do the same.
LOL – a pinch of salt! 🙂 But you gave me another idea – I often like to sprinkle a herb mixture on top of my salad (instead of bottled dressing), and it’s a pain to pull out each bottle, uncap it and then sprinkle and then re-cap… I could make up the mixture in a bowl and put it into one of my old pill bottles! Thanks, Martha!
Glad I could give you an idea Lori! The nice thing, you can punch the holes to whatever diameter needed to sprinkle things out. I use an awl and I also found by punching the holes from the bottom of the cap makes the salt come out easier. Hope it works for your herbs!