Color of the Day is Neon 2

The Color of the Day is Neon 2 for the Color of the Day Challenge. Before I get to the neon color, I have to tell you how all this began.
Lia has an owl collection, it started when her mommy was in the hospital about a month before Lia was born. I noticed a pink owl at the gift shop and thought it might cheer her up, but once I went in, I noticed they also had a gray one. Since we planned to paint Lia’s nursery gray, and I wanted to get the pink one for Lia when she was born, I decided to get the gray owl for Alexandra. That was the start of Lia’s owl collection.
We started getting her the smaller Beanie Boos Ty Owls. The very first one mommy got for Lia was a small pink one. Almost two years later, this little owl is no longer a fluffy owl, instead it’s lost almost all the fuzzy and fluffy fur from all the washings. Lia goes nowhere without her pink owl! We were at a shop the other day and Alex saw a pink one marked down from $13.00 to $5.00. We had to get this for display since the old pink one is now Lia’s “go everywhere” owl. To our surprise when we got to the register the price was $2.00!
Currently Lia has about ten Ty Beanie owls and GGpapa is making a shelf to display them all. Last fall while browsing a store, Lia found a giant owl! The look on her face says, “can I please get him?” LOL She doesn’t know it yet by Lia’s uncle is getting her two giant owls for her birthday, one gray like this one and of course a pink one.
Well it just so happens they make a NEON Ty Owl! How perfect for the color of the day is Neon 2! Meet Lia’s newest Ty Owl, a NEON RAINBOW owl!!
But it’s not just the owl that’s NEON, she has a matching owl purse! The front is an owl face and the back is all NEON!! Aren’t they both adorable?
There’s even MORE NEON!! Besides the normal neon owl, they also have an Enchanted collection. Of course mommy had to get the NEON rainbow Enchanted unicorn owl! Lia’s birthday is in August and I can’t wait for her to see the pink trimmed white shelf in her room with all her owl collection sitting on it and watching Lia. The large ones will be on the ends with the medium gray and pink next to them. Then all the little owls will be in between!
Back to Lia’s pink owls that started her collection…. she has the first pink owl, all tattered and worn, she has a new pink owl for her display shelf and she even has a mini pink owl to put on her jacket zipper! Once again Lia is pretty in pink AND neon.
I hope you enjoyed reading about Lia’s owl collection and especially seeing her neon owl for Color of the Day is Neon 2.
Oh my, they are cute. My mother collected owls.
Not sure why Lia likes owls and butterflies but those are her favorites. She might think she can jump up and take them off the shelf to play with but these will be for display only Brenda. She does have a few Ty owls for play that should keep her happy LOL
Wonderful story
Lia will be so surprised with the two giant owls and the pink trimmed shelf Rich!
Cute little owls.
Lia loves owls and when her mommy found the neon one, she had to add it to the collection. Thanks Amanda!