Chocolate Avocado Cookie Recipe

Chocolate Avocado Cookie Recipe

When I started my healthy eating plan in July, I cut out all sugary sweets and I didn’t even crave them after going cold turkey.  I use to live on brownies, chocolate cake or chocolate chip cookies.  Do you see a pattern here, I LOVE chocolate!  Since I’ve started my healthy eating, the only chocolate I’ve had is the dark chocolate on the KIND bars I eat for breakfast.  That was until I found some AWESOME recipes with organic chocolate and low sugar!  One recipe was the Organic Almond Joy bars that I shared on yesterday’s blog but if you missed it, here is the recipe.  Last night I found ANOTHER healthy chocolate cookie recipe and it just so happened to be NATIONAL COOKIE BAKING DAY!  The Chocolate Avocado Cookie Recipe I made was so moist and delicious!  I’ve never even had an avocado before but I’m finding new foods to add to my eating plan that I would probably never think of eating otherwise.


Besides being delicious, these cookies are super easy to make with only 5 ingredients unless you prefer to add a few others but they are not needed.


I found this recipe from Sweet as Honey website and there link has step by step instructions that are so easy to follow.


The entire recipe only took about 5 minutes to mix together, it actually took longer to cut the avocado that it did to get the mix ready for the oven. I did make a change by adding almond flavoring instead of vanilla. Once I blended the ingredients together, I spooned them on the baking sheet.  The recipe called for adding chocolate chips but I opted to leave them out and I sprinkled half of the cookies with organic coconut before baking.   I also made smaller cookies than the original recipe since they looked very large so I made mine a size that I could eat one for a snack.  I’m glad I did this because one small cookie is so filling.


The recipe said to bake for 12-15 minutes but since I made them smaller I only baked them for 10 minutes and they were perfect!


I still don’t know what an avocado tastes like since all I tasted was the chocolate and almond! If you are looking for easy Paleo and gluten free chocolate avocado cookie recipe, this is the one for you!






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Martha DeMeo

I started my blog on Christmas Day 2014 mainly to review products I received. Since then it has evolved into many other categories of lifestyles, family, money saving ideas, low cost, delicious and healthy meals plus other surprise posts. My granddaughter has her own category, Alex's Articles and the latest addition to my blog is my great granddaughter now has her category, Lia's Likings The Baby Blogger! Lia started blogger at 8 months old and she now has a Friday Story Time blog you won't want to miss! I welcome you to join the conversation, ask a question, give a suggestion or leave a comment on any blog post. I hope you enjoy Lia's Likings, she has some great posts that will make you smile!

10 Discussion to this post

  1. Amy says:

    Hi Martha,
    It sounds like a good recipe! I have the ripe avocado (that’s good with salsa!) but am missing other ingredients like the dark chocolate, maple syrup. I guess I could use PB2 (peanut butter powder instead of the peanut butter ground up from the nuts… something to think about.
    Thanks for sharing it! I’m trying to make healthier choices and am enrolled in a pre-diabetes course. Our teacher calls herself our life coach!
    Thanks again,

    • Martha says:

      I am so excited with my healthy eating plan, I’m eating foods I would never thing of before and they are good! I’ll find some other yummy recipes and post them soon! Thanks for visiting and looking forward to reading your blogs.

  2. Nita says:

    Will have to try these. Have a recipe for chocolate avocado pudding that I haven’t been brave enough to try. I tried the Chia Seed pudding and was not impressed. Your cookies look tasty, so will be giving them a try. Thanks for sharing.

    • Martha says:

      I was a bit hesitant at first Nita, I was getting different vibes from everyone I talked with about avocado. But in the cookies, I don’t taste anything but the chocolate! I didn’t add the chocolate chips and they were plenty chocolaty! Thanks for visiting and let me know if you try the recipe!

  3. These are perfect, Martha!
    I have guests who need gluten-free- and I need desserts that are dairy free (so I can serve them with a meat meal).
    Thank you!

    • Martha says:

      Well there you go, everyone will be happy! I’m going to look for more ideas like these! I’d be interested in knowing what you think about them if you whip up a batch!

  4. Stephie G says:

    Humm, looks yummy! Thanks for testing and sharing your find! Will try them for sure 😉

  5. Vidya says:

    Love this.. it looks so delicious.. I might have to make it when I am by myself and let the others guess the ingredients 🙂

    • Martha says:

      I didn’t tell anyone they had avocado because I figured they wouldn’t even try them! Personally if someone told me a cookie had avocado, I probably would have passed on it! But I’m getting brave in my healthy eating plan! Let me know if you make a batch Vidya!

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