The Party is Over
It seems like we just started the April Ultimate Blog Challenge and now the party is over! I completed a blog each day for the month of April, only two
It seems like we just started the April Ultimate Blog Challenge and now the party is over! I completed a blog each day for the month of April, only two
Today is the last Wordless Wednesday of the April Ultimate Blog Challenge. I didn’t have photo ideas until I heard Donna Fargo singing “Funny Face” back from 1972. I seem
It’s not Friday Story Time by Lia but I’m helping ma make her easy macaroni salad. I like quick and easy recipes and to the best my memory serves me
It’s Friday again and I’m so excited to share with you about how I started my garden for Friday Story Time by Lia. Since we couldn’t get to the store
You all know what day it is and since people have been uptight about the stay at home orders and not knowing when things will get back to normal I