Green Beans and Almonds
We went to Costco the other day and filled our freezer and pantry! I’ll have more on my great meat deals another time but I have to tell you about
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We went to Costco the other day and filled our freezer and pantry! I’ll have more on my great meat deals another time but I have to tell you about
It’s Wordless Wednesday and I couldn’t resist posting this photo I took last night after a busy day. Today is another day, let’s see what it brings to this trio
The sun is so bright It shines away the night. Slowly it rises To all different sizes. The sun is up high Way up in the sky. A new day
We are on Day 3 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge and every day our host Paul sends out a suggested topic to write about, we can take it or leave
Today is Friday Story Time by Lia and it’s April Ultimate Blog Challenge Time! I get to welcome all my blogger friends back to the challenge before ma does! We