Bubble Fun

Lia was having some bubble fun while checking out her new bubble machine last week and I was singing Tiny Bubbles as she was running through them. Perfect fun pictures for Wordless Wednesday. All the photos were taken with my Google Pixle 6, some by me and others by my granddaughter Alexandra as she played with the camera settings.

Hope you enjoyed my bubble fun photos, Lia loved them!
Lovely photos, Martha! Looks like Lia had an amazing time!
Yes she did Kimberly! It certainly brought smiles to all of us while she was running through the bubbles!
Awww, what a bunch of cheerful and happy pictures! I think I can hear Lia rejoice 🙂
Thank you for making me smile!
Thanks Tamara, Lia had so much fun dancing through the bubbles!
Just perfect. She is having a blast! I need a bubble maker!
She sure is Angie! I can’t wait to see Lia at her bday party with bubbles!
I feel so much lighter after having seen these pictures. What fun!
When I see happy pictures like this, it makes me smile Cheryl! I’m hoping that’s how it was for my readers too!
Hello Lia and Martha, WOW! What amazing fun with bubbles. I don’t think I have seen that many in my entire life! But last weekend at the park, I saw someone making giant bubbles the size of an adult using a funnel, and then would use an electric handheld fan to blow it where he wanted. Bubbles have such great positive energy! Thank you for sharing the lovely pictures of Lia playing with her bubble machine. Sending lots of love and virtual hugs. Jaime
OMG you just gave me an idea! I could put a funnel next to the bubble wheel and see if we can get giant bubbles! Bubbles are so much fune Jaime! Love and hugs from Lia and me.
It looks like Lia had a great time. I will have to see if I can find a bubble machine, the baby would love it!
This was a review item but it came from Amazon Maria. It was hours of fun for Lia and us watching her!
What fun it was to watch Lia do the Bubble Dance! I’m happy that the two of you had such a great time with the bubble machine.
When Lia’s laughing and smiling it makes everyone smile Alice! She had such a fun time running through the bubbles!
Bubbles are so fun. I used to enjoy them when I was younger.
This machine is so cool Amanda! I can’t wait until Lia’s party next week, we’ll be using the bubble machine!