Beauty at Huntington Beach State Park

Wow I’ve been so busy I didn’t realize it’s time for Friday Story Time by Lia already! Last week ma and pop took me to Huntington Beach South Carolina State Park and I shared some cool pictures of our trip for Wordless Wednesday. It started raining so we had to leave shortly after we got there but we went back yesterday! We saw so many beautiful birds in the marsh area then we visited the nature center for some exciting displays. Come with me while I show you some more beauty at Huntington Beach State Park we saw yesterday.

When we arrived the first thing I saw was big pink birds! Pop parked the truck and we walked across the causeway bridge to get a closer look. The birds with Roseate Spoonbills. If you look at their bill, it looks like a big mixing spoon! Next time we visit we have to make sure to bring binoculars with us, it would be so neat to see the birds through them!

As we walked a bit farther I saw a white bird with a big long bill! It looked like he was dancing on top of the water and then he tipped his wings and quietly flew to the other side of the lake.

This bird has such a fuzzy looking neck! I wanted to walk down and pet it but ma and pop said he was sitting there just to look at and if I got too close he would fly away. So I stayed far enough away so I wouldn’t scare him. But he sure was pretty.

I had so much fun just walking along the lake watching all the birds. We even saw a few fish jumping out of the water.

There is even a Nature Center at Huntington Beach State Park and I got to see so many different birds and reptiles. Look at the baby alligators! Do you see the tiny baby alligator on the right side of the eggs? It looks so real but it’s just a pretend one to show their size when they are born. The live alligators were in a tank and I couldn’t touch them but there was a touch tank with fish and crabs swimming around!

There were stingrays, horseshoe crabs and lots of fish swimming in the touch tank!

There was also a tank for turtles. It was so much fun watching them come over to the edge and hang on the tank!

Do you like snakes?? I didn’t touch them but the little green one looked right at me through the glass! Ma got a great picture of the snake looking like it was sitting on my nose! Then there was a BIG snake that I visited with. I’m glad we had glass between us!

I had such a fun day visiting all the beauty at Huntington Beach State Park and my favorite birds to see were the pink ones! As we were leaving I saw this shore bird looking at his reflection in the water, I wonder what he was thinking. Of course after visiting with all the nature sites, we went swimming in the ocean for a bit. Next time we go to this State Park we will visit a castle! Ma, pop and I had another fun staycation!

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2 Discussion to this post

  1. Amanda Gene says:

    Looks like fun. 🙂

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