Backyard Bird Sanctuary for Wordless Wednesday

Today I’m sharing my backyard bird sanctuary for Wordless Wednesday (with words!). I sit in our family room looking out at the birds and it’s so relaxing and fun watching them fly from feeder to feeder. These pictures were taken through the glass door so they aren’t super quality but I love sharing nature. We have had so many cardinals in the yard lately, they are sending down love from my mom and dad.
Yesterday there was a male and female sitting on the barn feeder but I wasn’t quick enough to get a picture. He flew down to the table and stayed there for a few minutes then away he went.
But he came back! I was able to snap a few pictures of him in flight, feeding the female cardinal! I’m not sure if this was is wife or daughter but either way I love the shots I got.
We had another bird perch right on the water fountain in Lia’s garden. Alexandra and I were watching a baby bird hop around the garden edge and the Lia pointed and said, “bird!” We didn’t even see him sitting there but Lia would have walked right up to him if we didn’t stop her!
The doves are always standing by too and I love how they “coo” to each other. Our backyard isn’t very large but it always has birds, sometimes it’s cardinals or bluejays and bluebirds. Other times it’s a variety of wrens, doves and mockingbirds. We can’t forget our little hummingbirds either! Between flowers and birds, I love our backyard nature site.
Lia loves watching the birds and even if she sees them flying over the yard she gets so excited and says, “Bye bye birdie!” Or when a bird hops around the yard eating she will excitedly say, “There’s the birdie!” Do you enjoy bird watching? What is your favorite bird? I hope you enjoyed your trip through our backyard bird sanctuary for Wordless Wednesday.
My favorite bird would have to be the Baltimore Orioles for their beauty, the Blue bird because we don’t see them in Florida and at the top of my list would have to be the tiny Wren. A plain looking bird with a song as big and bold as an Eagle. Plus it was my Dads favorite bird. My Dad made so many Wren houses for all of us, but also he could surround himself in the beauty of this tiny little bird with a big song to sing.
I love Baltimore Orioles bit we don’t see many here Vicki. We have quite a few bluebirds and all kinds of wrens. Love them all. Thank for visiting our backyard birds!
So cute.
Thanks Amanda, Lia loves watching the birds. She wanted to walk right up to the bird on the fountain.